(University of Geneva)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
We have developed a c++ software package, called "RecPack",
which allows the reconstruction of dynamic trajectories in any experimental setup.
The basic utility of the package is the fitting of trajectories in the presence
of random and systematic perturbations to the system
(multiple scattering, energy loss, inhomogeneous magnetic fields, etc)
via a Kalman Filter fit. It also...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Building a state of the art high energy physics detector like CMS
requires strict interoperability and coherency in the design and
construction of all sub-systems comprising the detector. This issue
is especially critical for the many database components that are
planned for storage of the various categories of data related to
the construction, operation, and maintainance of the...
F. Gray
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The muCap experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) will measure the rate of
muon capture on the proton to a precision of 1% by comparing the apparent lifetimes
of positive and negative muons in hydrogen. This rate may be related to the induced
pseudoscalar weak form factor of the proton.
Superficially, the muCap apparatus looks something like a miniature model of a
A. Di Meglio
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Software Configuration Management (SCM) Patterns and the Continuous Integration
method are recent and powerful techniques to enforce a common software
engineering process across large, heterogeneous, rapidly changing development
projects where a rapid release lifecycle is required. In particular the Continuous
Integration method allows tracking and addressing problems in the...
W. Waltenberger
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
State of the art in the field of fitting particle tracks to one
vertex is the Kalman technique. This least-squares (LS) estimator is
known to be ideal in the case of perfect assignment of tracks to
vertices and perfectly known Gaussian errors. Experimental data and
detailed simulations always depart from this perfect model. The
imperfections can be expected to be larger in high...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
In addition to the well-known challenges of computing and data handling at LHC
scales, LHC experiments have also approached the scalability limit of manual
management and control of the steering parameters ("primary numbers") provided to
their software systems. The laborious task of detector description benefits from
the implementation of a scalable relational database approach. We...
A. Undrus
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Software testing is a difficult, time-consuming process that
requires technical sophistication and proper planning. This
is especially true for the large-scale software projects of
High Energy Physics where constant modifications and
enhancements are typical. The automated nightly testing is
the important component of NICOS, NIghtly COntrol System,
that manages the multi-platform nightly...
M. Stoufer
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
As any software project grows in both its collaborative and mixed codebase nature,
current tools like CVS and Maven start to sag under the pressure of complex
sub-project dependencies and versioning. A developer-wide failure in mastery of these
tools will inevitably lead to an unrecoverable instability of a project. Even keeping
a single software project stable in a large collaborative...
V. Onuchin
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Carrot is a scripting module for the Apache webserver. Based on the
ROOT framework, it has a number of powerful features, including the
ability to embed C++ code into HTML pages, run interpreted and
compiled C++ macros, send and execute C++ code on remote web
servers, browse and analyse the remote data located in ROOT files
with the web browser, access and manipulate databases, and...
A. Zaytsev
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
CMD-3 is the general purpose cryogenic magnetic detector for VEPP-2000
electron-positron collider, which is being commissioned at Budker Institute of
Nuclear Physics (BINP, Novosibirsk, Russia). The main aspects of physical program of
the experiment are study of known and search for new vector mesons, study of the
ppbar a nnbar production cross sections in the vicinity of the threshold and...
K. Rabbertz
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
For data analysis in an international collaboration it is important
to have an efficient procedure to distribute, install and update the
centrally maintained software. This is even more true when not only
locally but also grid accessible resources are to be exploited.
A practical solution will be presented that has been successfully employed
for CMS software installations on systems...
M.S. Mennea
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
This document will review the design considerations, implementations
and performance of the CMS Tracker Visualization tools. In view of
the great complexity of this subdetector (more than 50 millions
channels organized in 17000 modules each one of these being a
complete detector), the standard CMS visualisation tools (IGUANA and
IGUANACMS) that provide basic 3D capabilities and...
M.G. Pia
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
A Toolkit for Statistical Data Analysis has been recently released.
Thanks to this novel software system, for the first time an ample
set of sophisticated algorithms for the comparison of data
distributions (goodness of fit tests) is made available to the High
Energy Physics community in an open source product. The statistical
algorithms implemented belong to two sets, for the...
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Conditions Databases are beginning to be widely used in the ATLAS
experiment. Conditions data are time-varying data describing the state of the
detector used to reconstruct the event data. This includes all sorts of slowly
evolving data like detector alignment, calibration, monitoring and data from Detector
Control System (DCS).
In this paper we'll present the interfaces between the...
W. Waltenberger
(Austrian Academy of Sciences // Institute of High Energy Physics)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
A proposal is made for the design and implementation of a detector-independent vertex
reconstruction toolkit and interface to generic objects (VERTIGO). The first stage aims at re-
using existing state-of-the-art algorithms for geometric vertex finding and fitting by both linear
(Kalman filter) and robust estimation methods. Prototype candidates for the latter are a wide
range of...
E. Chabanat
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
CMS and others LHC experiments offer a new challenge for the vertex reconstruction:
the elaboration of efficient algorithms at high-luminosity beam collisions. We
present here a new algorithm in the vertex finding field : Deterministic Annealing
(DA). This algorithm comes from information theory by analogy to statistical physics
and has already been used in clustering and classification...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
A simultaneous track finding / fitting procedure based on Kalman
filtering approach has been developed for the forward muon spectrometer of
ALICE experiment.
In order to improve the performance of the method in high-background
conditions of the heavy ion collisions the "canonical" Kalman filter has
been modified and supplemented by a "smoother" part. It is shown that
the resulting...
V M. Moreira do Amaral
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
There is a permanent quest for user friendliness in HEP Analysis. This
growing need is directly proportional to the analysis frameworks'
interface complexity. In fact, the user is provided with an analysis
framework that makes use of a General Purpose Language to program the
query algorithms. Usually the user finds this overwhelming, since he
or she is presented with the complexity of...
S. Pardi
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The algorithms for the detection of gravitational waves are usually very complex
due to the low signal to noise ratio. In particular the search for signals coming
from coalescing binary systems can be very demanding in terms of computing power,
like in the case of the classical Standard Matched Filter Technique. To overcome
this problem, we tested a Dynamic Matched Filter Technique,...
M.G. Pia
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The adoption of a rigorous software process is well known to represent a key factor
for the quality of the software product and the most effective
usage of the human resources available to a software project.
The Unified Process, in particular its commercial packaging known as the RUP
(Rational Unified Process) has been one of the most widely used
software process models in the...
B. White
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The Electron Gamma Shower (EGS) Code System at SLAC is designed to simulate the flow
of electrons, positrons and photons through matter at a wide range of energies. It
has a large user base among the high-energy physics community and is often used as a
teaching tool through a Web interface that allows program input and output. Our work
aims to improve the user interaction and shower...
S. Guatelli
(INFN Genova, Italy)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The study of the effects of space radiation on astronauts in an important concern of
space missions for the exploration of the Solar System. The radiation hazard to crew
is critical to the feasibility of interplanetary manned missions.
To protect the crew, shielding must be designed, the environment must be
anticipated and monitored, and a warning system must be put in place.
J. Hrivnac
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
GraXML is the framework for manipulation and visualization of 3D geometrical
objects in space. The full framework consists of the GraXML toolkit, libraries
implementing Generic and Geometric Models and end-user interactive front-ends.
GraXML Toolkit provides a foundation for operations on 3D objects (both detector
elements and events). Each external source of 3D data is...
A. Valassi
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The migration of the Harp data and software from an Objectivity-
to an Oracle-based data storage solution is reviewed in this
The project, which was successfully completed in January 2004,
involved three distinct phases. In the first phase, which profited
significantly from the previous COMPASS data migration project,
30 TB of Harp raw event data were migrated in...
T. Baron
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
CHEP 2004 conference is using the Integrated Digital Conferencing
product to manage part of its web site and processes to run the
This software has been built in the framework of InDiCo European
Project. It is designed to be generic and extensible with the goal of
providing help for single seminars as well as large conferences
management. Partly developped at CERN within...
E. Poinsignon
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The External Software Service of the LCG SPI project provides
open source and public domain packages required by the LCG
projects and experiments. Presently, more than 50 libraries
and tools are provided for a set of platforms decided by the
architect forum. All packages are installed following a standard
procedure and are documented on the web.
A set of scripts has been developed...
M. Stavrianakou
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The CMS Geant4-based Simulation Framework, Mantis, is a specialization of the COBRA
framework, which implements the CMS OO architecture. Mantis, which is the basis for
the CMS-specific simulation program OSCAR, provides the infrastructure for the
selection, configuration and tuning of all essential simulation elements: geometry
construction, sensitive detector and magnetic field...
N. Graf
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
We discuss techniques used to access legacy event generators from modern simulation
environments. Examples will be given of our experience within the linear collider
community accessing various FORTRAN-based generators from within a Java
environment. Coding to a standard interface and use of shared object libraries
enables runtime selection of generators, and allows for extension of...
M. Biglietti
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
At LHC the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate dictates a high selectivity of the
ATLAS Trigger system, which has to keep the full physics potential of the
experiment in spite of a limited storage capability.
The level-1 trigger, implemented in a custom hardware, will reduce the
initial rate to 75 kHz and is followed by the software based level-2
and Event Filter, usually referred as High Level...
A. Schmidt
(Institut fuer Experimentelle Kernphysik, Karlsruhe University, Germany)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
At CHEP03 we introduced "Physics Analysis eXpert" (PAX), a C++ toolkit
for advanced physics analyses in High Energy Physics (HEP)
experiments. PAX introduces a new level of abstraction beyond detector
reconstruction and provides a general, persistent container model for
HEP events. Physics objects like fourvectors, vertices and collisions
can easiliy be stored, accessed and manipulated....
O. Link
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Twisted trapezoids are important compontents in the LAr end cap calorimeter of the
Atlas detector. A similar solid, the so-called twisted tubs consists of two end
planes, inner and outer hyperboloidal surfaces, and twisted surfaces, and is an
indispensable component for cylindrical drift chambers (see K. Hoshina et al,
Computer Physics Communications 153 (2003) 373-391). In Geant3...
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
OpenPAW is for people that definitively do not want
to quit the PAW command prompt, but seek anyway
an implementation based over more modern technologies.
We shall present the OpenScientist/Lab/opaw program
that offers a PAW command prompt by using the OpenScientist
tools (then C++, Inventor for doing graphic, Rio for doing
the IO, OnX for the GUI, etc...). The OpenScientist/Lab...
S. Schmid
(ETH Zurich)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
LHC experiments have large amounts of software to build. CMS has
studied ways to shorten project build times using parallel and
distributed builds as well as improved ways to decide what to rebuild.
We have experimented with making idle desktop and server machines
easily available as a virtual build cluster using distcc and zeroconf.
We have also tested variations of ccache and more...
C. Jones
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
A common task for a reconstruction/analysis system is to be able to
output different sets of events to different permanent data stores
(e.g. files). This allows multiple related logical jobs to be grouped
into one process and run using the same input data (read from a
permanent data store and/or created from an algorithm). In our
system, physicists can specify multiple output 'paths',...
J. Hrivnac
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
There are two kinds of analysis objects with respect to their
persistent requirements:
* Objects, which need direct access to the persistency service only
for their IO operations (read/write/update/...): histograms, clouds,
profiles, ...
All Persistency requirements for those objects can be implemented
by standard Transient-Persistent Separation techniques like JDO,
S. Cucciarelli
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The Pixel Detector is the innermost one in the tracking system of the
Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment. It provides the most precise
measurements not only supporting the full track reconstruction but
also allowing the standalone reconstruction useful especially for
the online event selection at High-Level Trigger (HLT). The
performance of the Pixel Detector is given. The HLT...
V. Kuznetsov
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Linux operating system has become the platform of choice in the HEP community.
However, the migration process from another operating system to Linux can
be a tremendous effort for developers and system administrators.
The ultimate goal of such a transition is to maximize agreement between the
final results of identical calculations on the different platforms.
Apart from the fine tuning of...
I. Reguero
J A. Lopez-Perez
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Our goal is two fold. On one hand we wanted to address the interest of
CMS users to have LCG Physics analysis environment on Solaris. On the
other hand we wanted to assess the difficulty of porting code written in
Linux without particular attention to portability to other Unix
implementations. Our initial assumption was that the difficulty would be
manageable even for a very small team....
M.G. Pia
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The Geant4 Toolkit provides an ample set of alternative and complementary physics
models to handle the electromagnetic interactions of leptons,
photons, charged hadrons and ions.
Because of the critical role often played by simulation in the experimental design
and physics analysis, an accurate validation of the physics
models implemented in Geant4 is essential, down to the...
W. Lavrijsen
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
A software bus, just like its hardware equivalent, allows for the discovery,
installation, configuration, loading, unloading, and run-time replacement of software
components, as well as channeling of inter-component communication.
Python, a popular open-source programming language, encourages a modular design on
software written in it, but it offers little or no component functionality....
V. Onuchin
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The RDBC (ROOT DataBase Connectivity) library is a C++ implementation
of the The Java Database Connectivity Application Programming Interface.
It provides a DBMS-independent interface to relational databases from
ROOT as well as a generic SQL database access framework.
RDBC also extends the ROOT TSQL abstract interface.
Currently it is used in two large experiments:
- in Minos as...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Since its introduction in 1999, CMT is now used as a production tool
in many large software projects for physics research (ATLAS, LHCb,
Virgo, Auger, Planck). Although its basic concepts remain unchanged
since the beginning, proving their viability, it is still improving
and increasing its coverage of the configuration management
mechanisms. Two important evolutions have recently been...
G B. Barrand
(CNRS / IN2P3 / LAL)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Rio (for ROOT IO) is a rewriting of the file IO system of ROOT.
We shall present our strong motivations of doing this
tedious work. We shall present the main choices done
in the Rio implementation (then by opposition to what we
don't like in ROOT). For example, we shall say why
we believe that an IO package is not a drawing package (no
TClass::Draw) ;
why someone should use...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The ROOT geometry package is a tool designed for building, browsing,
tracking and visualizing a detector geometry. The code is
independent from other external MC for simulation, therefore it does
not contain any constraints related to physics. However, the package
defines a number of hooks for tracking, such as media, materials,
magnetic field or track state flags, in order to allow...
I. Antcheva
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The GUI is a very important component of the ROOT framework. Its
main purpose is to improve the usability and end-user perception. In
this paper, we present two main projects in this direction: the ROOT
graphics editor and the ROOT GUI builder.
The ROOT graphics editor is a recent addition to the framework. It
provides a state of the art and an intuitive way to create or edit
P. Nevski
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The ATLAS detector is a sophisticated multi-purpose detector with
over 10 million electronics channels designed to study high-pT
physics at LHC. Due to their high multiplicity, reaching almost
hundred thousand particles per event, heavy ion collisions pose a
formidable computational challenge. A set of tools have been created
to realistically simulate and fully reconstruct the most...
E. Tcherniaev
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
This paper discusses some key points in the organization
of the HARP software. In particular it describes the configuration of
the packages, data and code management, testing and release procedures.
Development of the HARP software is based on incremental
releases with strict respect of the design structure.
This poses serious challenges to the software management,
which has gone...
C. Jones
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
Generic programming as exemplified by the C++ standard library makes
use of functions or function objects (objects that accept function
syntax) to specialize generic algorithms for particular uses. Such
separation improves code reuse without sacrificing efficiency. We
employed this same technique in our combinatoric engine: DChain. In
DChain, physicists combine lists of child particles...
A. Pfeiffer
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
In the context of the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) project, the Applications Area
develops and maintains that part of the physics applications software and
associated infrastructure that is shared among the LHC experiments.
The Physicist Interface (PI) project of the LCG Application Area encompasses
the interfaces and tools by which physicists will directly use the software.
Mei Ye
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 1 - Online Computing
This article describes the simulation of the read-out subsystem
which will be subject to the BESIII data acquisition system.
According to the purpose of the BESIII, the event rate will be about
4000Hz, and the data rate up to 50Mbytes/sec after Level 1 trigger.
The read-out subsystem consists of some read-out crates and read-out
computer whose principle function is to collect event...
G. Folger
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Geant4 is a toolkit for the simulation of the passage of particles
through matter. Amongst its applications are hadronic calorimeters
of LHC detectors and simulation of radiation environments. For these
types of simulation, a good description of secondaries generated by
inelastic interactions of primary nucleons and pions is particularly
The Geant4 Binary Cascade is a...
M. Whalley
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
We will describe the plans and objectives of the recently funded PPARC(UK) e-science
project, the Combined E-Science Data Analysis Resource for High Energy Physics
(CEDAR), which will combine the strengths of the well established and widely used
HEPDATA library of HEP data and the innovative JETWEB Data/Monte Carlo comparison
facility built on the HZTOOL package and which exploits...
Vakhtang tsulaia
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The ATLAS Detector consists of several major subsytems: an inner detector composed of
pixels, microstrip detectors and a transition radiation tracker; electromagnetic and
hadronic calorimetry, and a muon spectrometer. Over the last year, these systems have
been described in terms of a set of geometrical primitives known as GeoModel.
Software components for detector description interpret...
V. Tioukov
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
OPERA is a massive lead/emulsion target for a long-baseline neutrino
oscillation search. More then 90% of the useful experimental data in OPERA
will be produced by the scanning of emulsion plates with the automatic microscopes.
The main goal of the data processing in OPERA will be the search, analysis and
identification of primary and secondary vertexes produced by neutrino in...
L. Nellen
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The Pierre Auger Observatory consists of two sites with several
semi-autonomous detection systems. Each component, and in some cases
each event, provides a preferred coordinate system for simulation and
analysis. To avoid a proliferation of coordinate systems in the
offline software of the Pierre Auger Observatory, we have developed a
geometry package that allows the treatment of...
Y. Perrin
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
A web portal has been developed, in the context of the LCG/SPI project, in
order to coordinate workflow and manage information in large software
projects. It is a development of the GNU Savannah package and offers a range
of services to every hosted project: Bug / support / patch trackers, a
simple task planning system, news threads, and a download area for software
releases. Features...
R. Brun
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The ROOT linear algebra package has been invigorated . The
hierarchical structure has been improved allowing different flavors of
matrices, like dense and symmetric . A fairly complete set of matrix
decompositions has been added to support matrix inversions and solving
linear equations.
The package has been extensively compared to other algorithms for its
accuracy and...
S. Albrand
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
The Tag Collector is a web interfaced database application for release management.
The tool is tightly coupled to CVS, and also to CMT, the configuration management
tool. Developers can interactively select the CVS tags to be included in a build, and
the complete build commands are produced automatically. Other features are provided
such as verification of package CMT requirements files,...
A. Salzburger
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The ATLAS reconstruction software requires extrapolation to arbitrary oriented
surfaces of different types inside a non-uniform magnetic field. In addition multiple
scattering and energy loss effects along the propagated trajectories have to be taken
into account. A good performace in respect of computing time consumption is crucial
due to hit and track multiplicity in high luminosity...
D. Klose
(Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
A common LCG architecture for the Conditions Database for the time
evolving data enables the possibility to separate the interval-of-
validity (IOV) information from the conditions data payload. The two
approaches can be beneficial in different cases and separation
presents challenges for efficient knowledge discovery, navigation and
data visualization. In our paper we describe the...
Dimitri gladkov
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The design, implementation and performance of the ZEUS Global
Tracking Trigger (GTT) Forward Algorithm is described. The ZEUS GTT
Forward Algorithm integrates track information from the ZEUS Micro
Vertex Detector (MVD) and forward Straw Tube Tracker (STT) to
provide a picture of the event topology in the forward direction
($1.5<\eta <3$ ) of the ZEUS detector. This region is...
E. Gerchtein
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Long lived charged hyperon, $\Xi$ and $\Omega$, are capable of travelling significant
distances producing hits in the silicon detector, before decaying into
$\Lambda^0 \pi$ and $\Lambda^0 K$ pairs, respectively. This gives unique
opportunity of reconstructiong hyperon tracks. We have developed a dedicated
"outside-in" tracking algorithm that is seeded by 4-momentum and decay vertex...
C. Leggett
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 3 - Core Software
It is essential to provide users transparent access to time varying
data, such as detector misalignments, calibration parameters and the
like. This data should be automatically updated, without user
intervention, whenever it changes. Furthermore, the user should be
able to be notified whenever a particular datum is updated, so as to
perform actions such as re-caching of compound results,...
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Validation of hadronic physics processes of the Geant4 simulation
toolkit is a very important task to ensure adequate physics results for
the experiments being built at the Large Hadron Collider. We report on
simulation results obtained using the Geant4 Bertini cascade
double-differential production cross-sections for various target
materials and incident hadron kinetic energies between...
A. Kulikov
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia.)
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
Using the modern 3D visualization software and hardware to represent
the object models of the HEP detectors would create the impressive
pictures of events and the detail views of the detectors facilitating
the design, simulation and data analysis and representation the huge
amount of the information flooding the modern HEP experiments. In this
paper we represent the work made by members...
T. Todorov
30/09/2004, 10:00
Track 2 - Event processing
The simulation, reconstruction and analysis software access to the
magnetic field has large impact both on CPU performance and on
An approach based on a volume geometry is described. The volumes are
constructed in such a way that their boundaries correspond to field
discontinuities, which are due to changes in magnetic permeability
of the materials. The field in each...