Comparison of lattice QCD results for inclusive semi-leptonic decays B mesons with the OPE

29 Jul 2021, 06:30
Oral presentation Standard Model Parameters Standard Model Parameters


Sandro Maechler (University of Turin)


A recently proposed approach to inclusive semi-leptonic decay rate on the lattice allows for the calculation of various quantities (differential distributions and moments) in different subchannels. We systematically compare the lattice QCD results for unphysically light bottom and strange quarks with OPE-based predictions, including leading order perturbative and O(1/m^3) power corrections, and explore possible strategies to decrease the systematic uncertainty.

Primary authors

Sandro Maechler (University of Turin) Shoji Hashimoto (KEK) paolo gambino (università di torino) Takashi Kaneko (KEK)

Presentation materials