HL-LHC Hollow Electron Lens (production) kick-off meeting


The scope of the meeting is to:

  • validate the HEL functional specifications,
  • delineate a HEL reference design (as a starting point to organise the work),
  • describe the work break-down structure and responsibilities,
  • give a first estimate on budget/resources,
  • define what has to be done at CERN (and with what additional resources from in-kinds) and what can be outsourced including validation measurements, assembly and testing.
    • 1
      Speaker: Oliver Bruning (CERN)
    • Definition of the specifications and of a reference design, and presentation of the work break-down structure and timeline

      Document on Functional Specs to be circulated 2 wks in advance to check consistency with everybody’s talks and assumptions

    • 10:10
      Coffee break
    • Technical design as seen by equipment owners/responsible and first estimates on resources

      • What needs to be done : translation of FS into design main parameters
      • What needs to be done in-house and what can be done as in-kind
      • First estimate of resources required at CERN and from in-kind contributors (PJAS coming at CERN, profile to be specified), to be validated at a later TCC (in May/June)

    • 12:00
      Lunch Break
    • Technical design as seen by equipment owners/responsible and first estimates on resources

      • What needs to be done : translation of FS into design main parameters
      • What needs to be done in-house and what can be done as in-kind
      • First estimate of resources required at CERN and from in-kind contributors (PJAS coming at CERN, profile to be specified), to be validated at a later TCC (in May/June)

    • 15:15
      Coffee break
    • Measurements, tests and assembly

      • Summary of what do we want to validate, and what needs to be tested
      • Which tests to be done at CERN and what support required (PJAS and material), and what can be outsourced

      • 16
        What we need to test for the complete assembly. Testing in the tunnel or on surface? Pros and Cons.
        Speaker: Adriana Rossi (CERN)
      • 17
    • Summary and Conclusion
      • 30’ structured discussion and agreement on the missing points in the FS and when they are needed
      • 30’ going through the technical open points and areas needing further study