13–17 Sept 2021
Europe/Paris timezone

Poster session


The poster session took place 14h to 15h CERN time on Wednesday, before the main session (2pm to 3pm EDT).  There were separate Zoom rooms for individual presenters, and you can visit as many as you like during the session by moving from Zoom room to Zoom room, similarly to a normal poster session.  The posters will continue to be accessible throughout the remainder of the conference. Voting for the best poster is now finished.

We expect that posters are in the traditional poster format, either horizontal or vertical. However, if you have a preferred format for you poster, please email the conference organizers.

The list of posters follows. There is no poster 1.

2. Off-shell ttW, Jasmina Nasufi, http://cern.ch/go/hc8W

3. Off-shell ttbb, Michele Lupattelli, http://cern.ch/go/X9NH

4. Top-Higgs SMEFT, Luca Mantani, http://cern.ch/go/HMx6

5. Single top master integrals, Mingming Long, http://cern.ch/go/vv7M

6. Theory for tt+jets, Katharina Voss, http://cern.ch/go/7Tn8

7. tthh, Lingfeng Li, http://cern.ch/go/9MDt

8. boosted lj top, Amandip De, http://cern.ch/go/VVS7

9. top weak couplings, Maria Moreno Llacer, http://cern.ch/go/sR7r

10. ttH XS, Andrej Saibel, http://cern.ch/go/99r7

11. Differential tt ATLAS, Petr Jacka, http://cern.ch/go/fxG8

12. W'->tb ATLAS, Kuan-Yu Lin, http://cern.ch/go/Q7JP

13. 4-top resonances ATLAS, Alicia Wongel, http://cern.ch/go/nRG7

14. Powheg-bb4l ATLAS, Dimbiniaina Rafanoharana, http://cern.ch/go/tgr9

15. t-H Yukawa ATLAS, Alex Zeng Wang, http://cern.ch/go/667z

16. Spin Correlation CMS, Jason Thieman, http://cern.ch/go/RRx7

17. Top Quantum, Andrew Wildridge, http://cern.ch/go/Pvv7