13–17 Sept 2021
Europe/Paris timezone


International Advisory Committee:

Jorgen D’Hondt, VUB Brussels

Andreas Jung, Purdue University

Seung J. Lee, Korea University

Hongbo Liao, IHEP CAS

Fabio Maltoni, UC Louvain

Michelangelo Mangano, CERN

Alexander Mitov, Cambridge University

António Onofre, U. Minho/CF-UM-UP, LIP

Ben Pecjak, Durham University

Francesco Spanò, Royal Holloway College

Roberto Tenchini, INFN Pisa

Malgorzata Worek, RWTH Aachen University (Chair)


Local Organizing Committee

Huey-Wen Lin, Michigan State University

Christopher Neu, University of Virginia 

Reinhard Schwienhorst, Michigan State University (Chair)

Pekka Sinervo, University of Toronto