20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Design of the Proton Injector for Compact Neutron Source DARIA

Not scheduled
Poster Applications and related technologies Poster Session 1


Vadim Skalyga (IAP RAS)


Project of the proton accelerator-driven compact neutron source DARIA(Dedicated for Academic Research and Industrial Application) is developed in order to replace small and middle flux neutron sources based on the nuclear reactors. DARIA has a uniquely high ratio of efficiency to cost due to deep optimization of each key element of the system (proton injector and accelerator, target, neutron moderator and neutron instruments. A unique ECR ion source, developed at the IAP RAS, would be used as a proton beam injector. In such device the plasma is heated by the powerful 28 GHz gyrotron radiation, providing a record level of volumetric energy input for such systems over 100 W/cm^3. The high plasma density and the optimal electron temperature provide proton beams formation with a current of up to several hundred mA and an emittance that meets the requirements of modern accelerators. The paper discusses the advantages of using such an ion source, its scheme and design performance.

E-mail for contact person Skalyga.vadim@gmail.com


Presentation materials