20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Development of a Heavy-Ion Source Based on a High-Power Pulsed Rep-Rate CO2 Laser

Not scheduled
Poster Fundamental processes Poster Session 2


Timur Kulevoy (ITEP)


The ion source based on rep-rate pulsed high power CO2 laser is described. Principle scheme and output characteristics of the laser system are presented in the paper. Laser power density at illuminated target and possibilities of generating multicharged ions from elements of different mass are estimated.

E-mail for contact person satov557@gmail.com


Dr A. Balabaev (ITEP - NRC "Kurchatov institute") Timur Kulevoy (ITEP) Dr A. Losev (ITEP - "Kurchatov institute") Dr A. Shumshurov (ITEP - "Kurchatov institute") Dr An Vasilyev (ITEP - NRC "Kurchatov institute") Dr I. Khrisanov (ITEP - NRC "Kurchatov institute") Dr Yu Satov (ITEP - NRC "Kurchatov institute")

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