Sep 20 – 24, 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

The Development of the Ion Source and Target for BRISOL

Not scheduled
Poster Radioactive ion beams, charge breeders and polarized beams Poster Session 2


Bing Tang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)


The Beijing Radioactive ion beam facility Isotope Separator On-Line(BRISOL)is a radioactive ion beam facility based on a 100 MeV cyclotron providing 200 μA proton beam bombarding the thick target to produce radioactive nuclei, which are transferred into an ion source to produce singly charged ion beams. A FEBIAD ion source with MgO target are successful used to the first physics experiments, including the decay study of $^{20}$Na with the energy of 110 keV and the elastic scattering study of $^{21}$Na and 22Na beams, post-accelerated by a 13 MV tandem. The refractory carbide targets such as SiC, LaC2 and UC2 are also developing for more radioactive beams. The first online test of SiC target has been completed recently, and radioactivity beams of $^{25}$Al, $^{26}$Al, and $^{28}$Al were produced. The details of the development of BRISOL facility and the online experimental results will be presented in this paper.

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Bing Tang (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

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