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20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Precise Measurement of the 7Be and 163Ho Electron Capture Q-value for Neutrino Studies

Not scheduled
Poster Radioactive ion beams, charge breeders and polarized beams Poster Session 1


Ramesh Bhandari (Central Michigan University)


At Central Michigan University (CMU), we are developing the CMU High Precision Penning trap (CHIP-TRAP) with the aim of performing high-precision mass measurements on stable and long-lived radioactive isotopes. The major goals of the CHIP-TRAP are to measure $^{163}$Ho EC Q-value to $\sim$1eV to aid direct neutrino mass determination experiments with $^{163}$Ho, such as HOLMES and EcHO, and to measure the $^{7}$Be EC Q-value to $<\sim$100 meV to aid the BeEST experiment that is searching for the signature of sterile neutrinos using $^{7}$Be EC. CHIP-TRAP utilizes a laser ablation source to produce ions from solid samples. We plan to make 7Be+ and 163Ho+ using the LAS to ablate small quantities of these ions from solutions in which they are dissolved in HCl and then dried on a backing holder. To investigate this production method, we have made 165Ho+ ions in this way and are investigating the production of 9Be+. This will replicate our anticipated production method for $^{163}$Ho (which has a half-life of 4570 yrs and must be synthesized) and $^{7}$Be (which is radioactive with a half-life of $\sim$53 days) ions and enable us to determine the minimum number of respective atoms necessary to perform the measurement. The goal was to find a backing material that minimized contaminant ions from the backing material and maximized the number of Ho+ and Be+ ions compared to, for example, HoO+ ions and BeO+, that also minimized the amount of Ho and Be atoms required.

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Funding Information This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under Award No. DE-SC0015927. This work was also supported by the National Science Foundation under Contract No. PHY-1607429.

Primary author

Ramesh Bhandari (Central Michigan University)


Madhawa horana Gamage (Central Michigan University) Dakota Keblbeck (Central Michigan University) Nadeesha Gamage (Central Michigan University) Dr Matthew Redshaw (Central Michigan University)

Presentation materials