20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Design and Operation of a Penning Ion Trap Source for the CHIP-TRAP Mass Spectrometer

20 Sept 2021, 10:05
Parallel Session (Contributed Oral) talk Applications and related technologies


Mr Madhawa Horana Gamage (Central Michigan University)


The CMU High Precision Trap (CHIP-TRAP) mass spectrometer at Central Michigan University will be used to perform precise mass measurements on stable and long-lived radioactive isotopes. As part of this project, we have developed a Penning Ion Trap (PIT) source capable of producing singly-charged, low intensity, ion bunches (~ 100s to 1000s of ions) from gaseous species with pulse widths of ~1 µs.

The PIT Source is similar to a PIG type ion source, but consists of a miniature cylindrical Penning trap, comprised of two end caps and a center ring with a trap volume of about 0.8 cm$^3$, housed inside a permanent neodymium ring magnet. Gas enters the trap through a hole in the end cap with the flow controlled by a precision leak valve. Gas is ionized by an ~1 µA electron beam from a thermal tungsten emitter applied for ~1 µs. After a short confinement period, ions are released from the trap by dropping the voltage on one of the end caps and extracted into the beamline. In this presentation, I will describe the design, operation and recent calibration results of the PIT source.

E-mail for contact person horan1mv@cmich.edu
Funding Information National Science Foundation under Contract No. PHY-1607429 and US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Nuclear Physics under AwardNo. DE-SC0015927

Primary author

Mr Madhawa Horana Gamage (Central Michigan University)


Mr Nadeesha Gamage (Central Michigan University) Mr Ramesh Bhandari (Central Michigan University) Mr Matthew Redshaw (Central Michigan University)

Presentation materials