20–24 Sept 2021
America/Vancouver timezone

Design and Thermal Simulations Towards a High Intensity Radioactive Ion Source for ISOL@MYRRHA

Not scheduled
Poster Radioactive ion beams, charge breeders and polarized beams Poster Session 2


Sophie Hurier (KU Leuven, SCK-CEN)


MYRRHA is the world’s first large-scale Accelerator Driven System project at power levels scalable to industrial systems. ISOL@MYRRHA will produce Radioactive Ion Beams (RIBs) with the Isotope Separation On-Line (ISOL) technique, with production increase by high intensity primary beams on long period while aiming at keeping the secondary beam quality.
Higher flux prevalently affects the RIB ion source. A surface ion source is chosen because of its reliability and simple design. To identify our source relevant parameters at higher intensity, ANSYS thermal-electric simulations were made. To start, a heating system study with experimental results from the SPES project were reproduced and modified by :
- Insulate electrically the source from its support
- Add a feedthrough
- Transform a passive thermal screen into an active part
This new heating system will be tested, improved and validated in the future with experimental results on the heating test stand at SCK CEN.

E-mail for contact person sophie.hurier@sckcen.be
Funding Information SCK CEN Academy


Sophie Hurier (KU Leuven, SCK-CEN)


Mr João Pedro Ramos (SCK-CEN) Mr Kim Rijpstra (SCK-CEN) Mr Philip Creemers (SCK-CEN) Mr Thomas Elias Cocolios (KULeuven)

Presentation materials