Oct 7 – 10, 2010
Bari, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone
Dear Colleagues, The 6th RD51 Collaboration meeting will take place in Bari, Italy from October 7th to October 10th, 2010. The program will consist of plenary sessions and parallel working group (WG) meetings on techniques, detector physics issues, simulations, applications, electronics, and common production and test facilities. The opening plenary session will take place on Thursady, October 7th in the afternoon. Based on your feedback and experience from the previous meetings the WG parallel sessions are scheduled on Friday and on Saturday. On Sunday morning, October 10th there will be closing plenary sessions with the reports from the working group conveners, short presentations of industrial companies and Collaboration Board news. If you are planning to attend the meeting and present your work please contact the corresponding working group convener and register. We are looking forward to see you in Bari ! Best regards, Gabriella, Leszek and Maxim.
Bari, Italy
Hotel Palace
Via Francesco Lombardi, 13
Local organizers contact: Gabriella Catanesi (Gabriella.Catanesi@cern.ch) Vincenzo Berardi (berardi@ba.infn.it)