Oct 7 – 10, 2010
Bari, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone


WG5: MPGD Related Electronics

Oct 9, 2010, 2:00 PM
Hotel Palace (Bari, Italy)

Hotel Palace

Bari, Italy

Via Francesco Lombardi, 13

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Hans Muller (CERN)
10/9/10, 2:05 PM
Sorin Martoiu (CERN)
10/9/10, 2:35 PM
Jose F. Toledo Alarcon (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia)
10/9/10, 3:05 PM
Kondo GNANVO (Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Fl, USA)
10/9/10, 4:00 PM
Evaristo Cisbani (INFN Rome Gruppo Sanità)
10/9/10, 4:30 PM
Venetios Polychronakos (Department of Physics)
10/9/10, 5:00 PM
Frederik Hartjes (NIKHEF)
10/9/10, 5:30 PM
Building timetable...