Muon Collider Physics and Detector Workshop

Virtual world

Virtual world

Andrea Wulzer (CERN and EPFL), Cristina Riccardi (Universita and INFN (IT)), Daniel Schulte (CERN), Donatella Lucchesi (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)), Fabio Maltoni (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE) and Università di Bologna), Federico Meloni (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Michael Spannowsky (University of Durham (GB)), Nathaniel Craig (UC Santa Barbara), Sergo Jindariani (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))

Muon colliders offer enormous potential for the exploration of the particle physics frontiers, but addressing the challenges associated with their feasibility  requires the development of innovative concepts and demanding technologies.

Following the recommendation of the most recent update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics on the development of an innovative Accelerator R&D Roadmap, the Laboratory Directors Group initiated the formation of an international collaboration on muon colliders hosted by CERN. The collaboration will organise and define the roadmap towards a muon collider conceptual design report by the next Strategy update and carry out the related R&D programme.

Physics potential and detector studies have to be developed in parallel and in synergy with the collider design. In this context, the workshop aims at:  

  • assessing the state of the art,
  • exploring the interplay between the physics potential and the detector design,
  • defining the directions for future work. 

The workshop will feature a series of invited talks, followed by abundant time for discussion and will be held virtually on zoom.

You are kindly invited to register to the event to receive the connection details.

More information: Muon Collider website

Registration form
  • Ahmed Ismail
  • Aimilianos Koulouris
  • Alan David Bross
  • Alan Peyaud
  • Albert De Roeck
  • Alberto Mariotti
  • Alberto Mariotti
  • Alejandro Busto
  • Alessandro Bertolin
  • Alessandro Montella
  • Alessio Gianelle
  • Alessio Mastroddi
  • Alex Cerri
  • Alexander Borissov
  • Alexandru Catalin Ene
  • Alfredo Glioti
  • Alfredo Urbano
  • Ambresh Shivaji
  • Andre de Gouvea
  • Andrea Banfi
  • Andrea Longhin
  • Andrea Villa
  • Andrea Wulzer
  • Andreas Crivellin
  • Andres Cicuttin
  • Andres Vasquez
  • Andrew Ivanov
  • Andrey RESHETIN
  • Andrius Juodagalvis
  • Anke Stoeltzel
  • Anna Colaleo
  • Anton Dimitrov
  • Antonello Pellecchia
  • Antonio Costantini
  • Antonio Passeri
  • Artur Coimbra
  • Arturo Rodriguez Rodriguez
  • Auriane Canesse
  • Aurore Savoy Navarro
  • Avni Aksoy
  • Ayres Freitas
  • Babak Abi
  • Balazs Ujvari
  • Barbara Mele
  • Beatrice Mandelli
  • Begona De La Cruz
  • Benjamin Wynne
  • Bennie WARD
  • Beren Ozek
  • Bernd Michael Stechauner
  • Bertrand MEHL
  • Bill Murray
  • Brigita Abakevičienė
  • Bruno Valinoti
  • Burak Bilki
  • Cameron Geddes
  • Camilla Curatolo
  • Carlo Oleari
  • Carlos Marinas
  • Caterina Aruta
  • Cecilia Gerber
  • Cecilia Uribe Estrada
  • Celine Catherine A Degrande
  • Chao-Hsi Chang
  • Chengcheng Han
  • Chenxi Gu
  • chenyu fang
  • Chiara Aime'
  • Chiara Rovelli
  • Chris Tully
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Clara Del Pio
  • Claudia Merlassino
  • Claudia Patrignani
  • Conor Henderson
  • Corrado Gatto
  • Crispin Williams
  • Cristina Riccardi
  • Da Liu
  • Dan Shaked Renous
  • Daniel Joseph Antrim
  • Daniel Schulte
  • Daniele Dal Santo
  • Darin Acosta
  • Dario Buttazzo
  • Dario Soldi
  • David d'Enterria
  • David Tarazona
  • Davide Fiorina
  • Davide Napoletano
  • Davide Zuliani
  • Deb Sankar Bhattacharya
  • denis comelli
  • Dilip Kumar Ghosh
  • Dimitri Bourilkov
  • Dmitri Denisov
  • Domizia Orestano
  • Donatella Lucchesi
  • Dong Woo Kang
  • Douglas Berry
  • Duccio Abbaneo
  • Elodie Deborah Resseguie
  • Els de Wolf
  • Emanuela Barberis
  • Emanuele Di Marco
  • Emmanuel Tsesmelis
  • Enrique Valiente Moreno
  • Eraldo Oliveri
  • Etiennette Auffray
  • Ettore Zaffaroni
  • Eugene Proskurins
  • Fabian Batsch
  • Fabio Maltoni
  • Fabio Maltoni
  • Fabrice Balli
  • Fakhri Alam Khan
  • Fausto Casaburo
  • Federico Meloni
  • Federico Ronchetti
  • Ferdinando Giordano
  • Filippo Belloni
  • Filippo Errico
  • Foteini Trantou
  • Francesca Acanfora
  • Francesco D'Eramo
  • Francesco Fallavollita
  • Francesco Tartarelli
  • Francisco Arco
  • Fritz Caspers
  • Fulvio Piccinini
  • Gabor Somogyi
  • George Iakovidis
  • George Smirnov
  • George W.S. Hou
  • Georgios Fanourakis
  • Georgios Krintiras
  • Giacomo Da Molin
  • Gian Luigi Alberghi
  • Giovanni Consolati
  • Giovanni Mazza
  • Giuliano Panico
  • Gobinda Majumder
  • Gokcen Karslioglu
  • Greg Myers
  • Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
  • Haluk Denizli
  • Hannsjorg Weber
  • Hongtao Yang
  • Ilaria Vai
  • Isabel Garcia Garcia
  • Isobel Ojalvo
  • Ivano Sarra
  • Jacobo Konigsberg
  • Javier Cuevas
  • Javier Mauricio Duarte
  • Jeff Shahinian
  • Jennifer Ngadiuba
  • Jianbei Liu
  • Jibo He
  • Jim Strait
  • Jinghua Liu
  • john gunion
  • John Stupak
  • Jose Seixas
  • Joseph Haley
  • Joseph Kroll
  • José Francisco Zurita
  • Joyful Mdhluli
  • Juan Alcaraz Maestre
  • Juhi Dutta
  • Julian Budagov
  • Julien Touchèque
  • Juraj Bracinik
  • K.C. Kong
  • Ka Wa Ho
  • Kajari Mazumdar
  • Karol Krizka
  • Katerina Tzanetou
  • Katherine Pachal
  • Katsuya Yonehara
  • Keerthi Nakkalil
  • Ken Long
  • Kenny Jia
  • Kento Suzuki
  • Keping Xie
  • Kevin Black
  • Kevin Burkett
  • Kevin Frank Einsweiler
  • Krzysztof Mekala
  • Laura Buonincontri
  • Laura Reina
  • Lesya Horyn
  • Liantao Wang
  • Liantao Wang
  • Lisa Everett
  • Lorenzo Sestini
  • Lothar A.T. Bauerdick
  • Luca Castelli
  • Luca Gennaro Foggetta
  • Luca Giambastiani
  • Luca Mantani
  • Luca Marzola
  • Ludovico Tortora
  • Ludovico Vittorio
  • Luigi Calligaris
  • Luigi Vigani
  • Maksym Titov
  • Mandeep Kaur
  • Marco Costa
  • Marco Rimoldi
  • Marco Toliman Lucchini
  • Marcos Dracos
  • Maria Vittoria Garzelli
  • Mariana Petris
  • Mario Greco
  • Mario Macri
  • Markus Frank
  • Marlon Barbero
  • Martti Raidal
  • María Teresa Núñez Pardo de Vera
  • Massimo Casarsa
  • Matteo Bauce
  • Matteo Maltoni
  • Matthew Reece
  • Maurizio Bonesini
  • Mauro Chiesa
  • Maximilian J Swiatlowski
  • Meghranjana Chatterjee
  • Mehmet Tosun
  • Melissaa Uchida
  • Mengyang Zhang
  • Miaoyuan Liu
  • Michael Bauer
  • Michael Finger
  • Michael Ramsey-Musolf
  • Michele Barone
  • Michele Bianco
  • Michele Selvaggi
  • Milena Misheva
  • Minho SON
  • Miroslav Finger
  • Mohammed Mahmoud Mohammed
  • Mukesh Dhakarwal
  • Mukesh Kumar
  • Nadia Pastrone
  • Natascia Vignaroli
  • Nathaniel Craig
  • Nazar Bartosik
  • Negin shafiei
  • Nicolo Vladi Biesuz
  • Nicolo' Valle
  • Nikhilesh Venkatasubramanian
  • Niko Neufeld
  • Nikolai Starinski
  • Nilanjana Kumar
  • Oguz Guzel
  • Oleg Grachov
  • Paola Sala
  • Paola Salvini
  • Paolo Andreetto
  • Paolo Francavilla
  • Paolo Iengo
  • Paolo Lazzaroni
  • Paolo Vitulo
  • Paride Paradisi
  • Paris Sphicas
  • Patrick Fox
  • Patrick Fritzsch
  • Patrick Meade
  • Pawan Prakash
  • Pedro Machado
  • Peter Cameron
  • Peter Levai
  • Petr Levchenko
  • Philip Coleman Harris
  • Philipp Windischhofer
  • Pierre Chatagnon
  • Piet Verwilligen
  • Prachi Atmasiddha
  • Prajita Bhattarai
  • Pushpalatha Bhat
  • Qiang Li
  • Qianshu Lu
  • Rachik Soualah
  • Raghunath Sahoo
  • Rahul Balasubramanian
  • Raman Sundrum
  • Ramona Gröber
  • Rashmish Mishra
  • Richard Ruiz
  • Robert Zwaska
  • Roberto Franceschini
  • Roberto Guida
  • Roberto Mulargia
  • Roberto Salerno
  • Roger Forty
  • Roman Poeschl
  • Ronald Lipton
  • Rui Santos
  • Rupert Leitner
  • Sajan Easo
  • Salvatore Bottaro
  • Samuel Homiller
  • Sarah Marie Demers Konezny
  • Sascha Mehlhase
  • Saurabh Rindani
  • Sehwook Lee
  • Sergo Jindariani
  • Seth Koren
  • Seung J. Lee
  • Shahram Rahatlou
  • Shivani Lomte
  • Shufang Su
  • Si Xie
  • Sicong Lu
  • Silvia Tentindo
  • Simona Rolli
  • Simone Pagan Griso
  • Sinem Simsek
  • Siyu Chen
  • Sridhara Dasu
  • Stefan Spanier
  • Stefano Boi
  • Stephen Gourlay
  • Stoyan Stoynev
  • Subir Sarkar
  • Suchandra Dutta
  • Suman Chatterjee
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Tali Shemma
  • Tamasi Kar
  • Tania Robens
  • Tao Han
  • Tohru Takeshita
  • Tong Li
  • Toru Ogitsu
  • Tova Ray Holmes
  • Tulika Bose
  • Umberto Dosselli
  • Umit Sozbilir
  • Varun Sharma
  • Victor Kukhtin
  • Victor Perelygin
  • Vieri Candelise
  • Vincenzo Cavasinni
  • Vitalii Okorokov
  • Volodymyr Aushev
  • Wanwei Wu
  • Wei Li
  • Weishuang Xu
  • William J. Torres Bobadilla
  • Wolfgang Altmannshofer
  • Ya-juan Zheng
  • Ya-Juan Zheng
  • Yalcin Guler
  • Yang Ma
  • Yang-Ting Chien
  • Yongbin Feng
  • Yongcheng Wu
  • Yongke Zhao
  • Yorgos Tsipolitis
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Yuri Davydov
  • Zhen Liu
  • Zhengguo Zhao