9:00 AM
Communications Workshop (by invitation only)
Katie Yurkewicz
(until 12:30 PM)
(One North)
10:15 AM
--- Coffee break ---
8:00 AM
Check-in, Fee payment
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Welcome to Fermilab
Pier Oddone
(until 9:10 AM)
(Y-K. Kim (Fermilab))
9:10 AM
US LUO Chair's Report
Harvey Newman
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
(until 9:40 AM)
(H. Newman (Caltech))
9:40 AM
Status of the LHC
Steve Myers
(until 10:35 AM)
(S. Myers (CERN))
10:35 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
10:55 AM
LARP: US Collaboration on the US Accelerator and Injector Chain
(until 11:20 AM)
(E. Prebys (Fermilab))
11:20 AM
Discussion and Recommendation: USLUO - An APS Forum?
Harvey Newman
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
(until 12:10 PM)
8:30 AM
Late registration, Fee Payment
(until 9:00 AM)
9:00 AM
Harvey Newman
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
(until 9:10 AM)
(H. Newman)
9:10 AM
DOE Office of HEP Report
(until 9:40 AM)
(Glen Crawford)
9:40 AM
NSF Elementary Particle Physics Report
(until 10:10 AM)
(M. Pripstein (by phone bridge))
10:10 AM
Summary/Discussion of Trips to Washington
Sarah Marie Demers
(until 10:55 AM)
(S. Demers Konezny)
10:55 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:15 AM
DOE Office of Nuclear Physics Report
Eugene Henry
(until 11:45 AM)
(E. Henry)
11:45 AM
ACCU Report
Darin Acosta
(University of Florida)
(until 12:10 PM)
(D. Acosta)
12:30 PM
--- Lunch break ---
2:00 PM
Media Training
Katie Yurkewicz
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
(until 5:00 PM)
(Curia II)
5:00 PM
US LHC Executive Committee Meeting
(until 6:15 PM)
(Curia II)
6:15 PM
--- Welcome reception ---
12:10 PM
Student Talk - CMS (Kubik, Northwestern)
Andrew Kubik
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-Northwesten University-Unkno)
(until 12:35 PM)
(Wilson Hall)
12:35 PM
--- Lunch break with optional ROC tour ---
1:35 PM
Student Talk - ATLAS (Kashif, Harvard)
Lashkar Kashif
(Harvard University)
(until 2:00 PM)
(One West)
2:00 PM
Student Talk - LHCb (Xing, Syracuse)
Zhou Xing
(Syracuse University)
(until 2:25 PM)
2:25 PM
First Results from ALICE
(until 2:55 PM)
(C. Nattrass (Tennessee))
2:55 PM
LHCb Physics
(until 3:25 PM)
(S. Stone (Syracuse))
3:25 PM
--- Afternoon Break - Wine and Cheese ---
4:00 PM
Update from the Office of Science: W.F. Brinkman, Dept of Energy
(until 4:45 PM)
4:45 PM
ATLAS with Six Months of LHC Collisions
(until 5:30 PM)
(A. Farbin (UT Arlington))
5:30 PM
CMS Physics Overview
Jim Pivarski
(Texas A&M University)
(until 6:15 PM)
(J. Pivarski (Texas A&M))
6:15 PM
--- Break for 7pm Dinner at Courtyard Banquets ---
12:10 PM
LUEC Election Committee Report
(until 12:25 PM)
(S. Demers, K. Burkett)
12:25 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:00 PM
Guest Lecture by Chris Quigg (Fermilab): Mapping the New Worlds
(until 1:45 PM)
(One West)
1:45 PM
--- Coffee break with dessert ---
2:00 PM
Young Physicists' Posters
(until 2:45 PM)
(2nd Floor Crossover)
2:45 PM
Student Talks - CMS, ATLAS: Caputo (Stony Brook), Ferencek (Maryland), Nguyen (Brown), Hsu (Yale), Pravahan (UT Arlington), Svintradze (Kansas State)
(until 5:15 PM)
(One West)
2:45 PM
Search for First Generation Leptoquarks in ATLAS
Regina Caputo
(SUNY Stony Brook)
(One West)
3:05 PM
Search for First-Generation Leptoquarks in CMS
Dinko Ferencek
(University of Maryland)
(One West)
3:25 PM
Extra Dimensions Searches in the Diphoton Final State at CMS
Duong Nguyen
(Brown University)
(One West)
3:45 PM
From W/Z to Higgs: ATLAS Higgs Sensitivity Prospects for 2010/2011
Pai-hsien Jennifer Hsu
(Yale University)
(One West)
4:05 PM
Supersymmetry Searches in ATLAS
Rishiraj Pravahan
(University of Texas at Arlington)
(One West)
4:25 PM
Setting Limits on New Phenomena in Z+Gamma Final States at CMS
Irakli Svintradze
(Kansas State University)
(One West)
5:15 PM
Any Other Business
(until 6:00 PM)
(One West)
6:00 PM
Adjourn (self-organized dinner or departure)
(until 6:15 PM)