Condensation and early time dynamics in QCD plasmas

20 Jun 2023, 17:30
Aud. 2 (H.C. Ørsted)

Aud. 2

H.C. Ørsted

Oral The initial stages and nuclear structure in heavy-ion collisions Parallel Session 3


Lillian Margaret-Marie de Bruin (Universität Heidelberg)


High energy nuclear collisions produce far-from-equilibrium matter with a high density of gluons at early times. We identify for the first time two local order parameters for condensation, which can occur as a consequence of the large density of gluons. We demonstrate that an initial over-occupation of gluons can lead to the formation of a macroscopic zero mode towards low momenta that scales proportionally with the volume of the system—this defines a gauge invariant condensate. The formation of a condensate at early times has intriguing implications for early time dynamics in heavy ion collisions.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


Lillian Margaret-Marie de Bruin (Universität Heidelberg)


Prof. Jan Pawlowski (Universität Heidelberg) Prof. Jürgen Berges (Universität Heidelberg) Dr Kirill Boguslavski (TU Wien) Tara Butler (Universität Heidelberg)

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