Toward unbiased flow measurements in LHC $pp$ collisions

Not scheduled


Poster Collective dynamics from small to large systems


Su-Jeong Ji (Pusan National University (KR))


The collective behaviours among produced particles are studied via long-range two-particle correlations in many collision systems. In small systems like $pp$ and $p$A collisions, it is essential to estimate the nonflow contribution properly due to the increasing contribution with respect to the large collision systems.
To handle the nonflow in small systems, several methods with different assumptions have been developed. However, because the assumption would be valid in a specific circumstance, such as detector acceptance and collision system, it should be cautious about using the methods for different cases.
We perform a detailed study of the nonflow subtraction methods in the ALICE kinematic region using various Monte-Carlo event generators with and without flow, which differ in their mechanisms for describing the collective flow and jets. We also attempt to extend the model study on the flow of the identified particles in $pp$ collisions. From these studies, we found that different methods will give us different results depending on multiplicity and detector acceptance that affects the jet production and flow-to-nonflow ratio. In this presentation, we will show a detailed study of the nonflow correction methods that will be crucial for interpreting experimental results.

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Experimental
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


Dong Jo Kim (University of Jyvaskyla (FI)) Maxim Mikael Olavi Virta (University of Jyväskylä) Sanghoon Lim (Pusan National University (KR)) Su-Jeong Ji (Pusan National University (KR)) Teemu Kallio

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