Laura Marie Dufke
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
Studying the gluon density in nucleons and nuclei require measurements at low-x. The Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) upgrade for ALICE will provide just such measurements. FoCal comprises two components, an Electromagnetic calorimeter (FoCal-E) and a Hadronic Calorimeter (FoCal-H). This poster will present results from the first prototype that informed the design of the second prototype.
In particular, I will present recent results from testbem measurements performed with FoCal-H second prototype at the CERN SPS, and how this compare to Monte Carlo simulations using different GEANT physics lists. Finally, I will present simulations of physics processes of interest based on realistic performance parameters of FoCal-H.
What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? | Experimental |
Which experiment is this abstract related to? | ALICE |
Laura Marie Dufke
(University of Copenhagen (DK))