Instabilities at the earliest phase of heavy-ion collisions

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Sylwia Bazak (Jan Kochanowski University)


At the earliest phase of relativistic heavy-ion collisions there is generated a system of gluon fields which can be treated as classical. Numerical simulations show that the system is unstable but a character of the instability is not well understood. We perform a stability analysis of the initial chromoelectric and chromomagnetic which are parallel the beam direction. While a configuration of the chromoelectric field is essentially Abelian with the single-color potential linearly depending on coordinates, the chromomagnetic is genuinely nonAbelian generated by the multicolor noncommuting potential components. We derive a spectrum of small fluctuations around the background fields which obey the linearized Yang-Mills equations and we argue that the nonAbelian chromomagnetic field is mostly responsible for the system’s instability.
The study is a continuation of our two recent works:
1) S. Bazak and St. Mrówczyński, Stability of classical chromodynamic fields,
Physical Review D 105, 034023 (2022)
2) S. Bazak and St. Mrówczyński, Addendum to “Stability of classical chromodynamic fields”,
Physical Review D 106, 034031 (2022)

What kind of work does this abstract pertain to? Theoretical
Which experiment is this abstract related to? Other


Stanislaw Mrowczynski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland) Sylwia Bazak (Jan Kochanowski University)

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