Parallel Session 2
- Christian Bierlich (Lund University (SE))
- Christian Bierlich
The origin of the structure of azimuthal correlations in small collision systems, such as proton–proton and proton–nucleus collisions, is still not fully understood. In these systems, azimuthal correlations tend to extend far in rapidity. These so-called unequal rapidity correlations must therefore originate early in the collision. In the context of the Colour Glass Condensate effective field...
We argue that diffractive photo-production of jets in coherent nucleus-nucleus ultra-peripheral collisions (UPCs) at high energy is a golden channel to study gluon saturation. By ``coherent'' we mean elastic processes in which both nuclei emerge unbroken after the collision and the final state exhibits large rapidity gaps. We study such processes within the colour glass condensate effective...
We study, to all orders in perturbative QCD, the universal asymptotic behavior of the saturation momentum $Q_s(L)$ controlling the transverse momentum distribution of a fast parton propagating through a dense QCD medium with large size $L$. Due to the double logarithmic nature of the quantum evolution of the saturation momentum, its large $L$ asymptotics is obtained by slightly departing from...
A double copy between 2 > N QCD amplitudes and Gravity amplitudes was first discovered by Lipatov in 1981. In published work with G. Dvali, we showed how a double copy between Black Holes and the CGC arises, with both systems saturating the Bekenstein bound. We discuss common features in the collision and subsequent evolution of shockwaves in the two systems.In particular, we show how this...
We present a new 3+1D resolved model for the initial state of ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion collisions, based on the $k_\perp$-factorized Color Glass Condensate hybrid approach [1-4]. This new model responds to the need for a rapidity-resolved initial-state Monte Carlo event generator which can deposit the relevant conserved charges (energy, charge and baryon densities) both in the midrapidity...