Young Scientist Talks
- heinz graafsma (DESY)
Young Scientist Talks
- Stefania Maria Beole (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
Young Scientist Talks
- Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute (IN))
I will give an overview of the Thick-GEM based WELL detectors and the phenomenon of electrical discharges in them. The effectiveness of using resistive plate in mitigating discharges will be presented next. We developed a tool to produce localized discharges inside the detector to study its effect on the detector performance. I will present the effect of feeble discharges on the performance of...
In Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, the combination of more detectors
is used to reconstruct the particle trajectories, measure their momentum, and identifying
particle species. To optimize the apparatus and understand its performance, indispensable
ingredients are Monte-Carlo (MC) Simulations. This talk will give an overview of MC
simulation in High Energy Physics (HEP)...
LHC open an unprecedented window on the weak-scale nature of the universe, providing high-precision measurements of the standard model as well as searches for new physics beyond the standard model. The Electromagnetic Calorimeter (ECAL) of the CMS detector has plays an important role in the physics program of the experiment, delivering outstanding performance throughout data taking. Such...
Rare event search experiments require very careful simulations, in addition to accurate measurements
of ambient radiation contribution from radioactive decay and nuclear processes in the surrounding rock
components as well as from charged cosmic rays. A new underground laboratory has been set up at 555 m
(∼1.6 km water equivalent) vertical depth, with the vision of undertaking future...