Thorsten Kroell
(TU Darmstadt)
In the last few years the investigation of one- and two-neutron
transfer reactions has become a new versatile tool to study
the structure of exotic nuclei at REX-SOLDE.
So far, we have investigated the (d,p) and (t,p) reaction in inverse
kinematics on several nuclei with masses up to A = 80.
The powerful combination of the MINIBALL spectrometer and the T-REX Si detector array enables the coincident detection of gamma-rays and light nuclei allowing to determine excitation energies, spin assignments, and spectroscopic strengths for states in the final nucleus.
The status of the set-up, selected results from several experimental
campaigns, and an outlook to the opportunities at HIE-ISOLDE will
be presented.
Thorsten Kroell
(TU Darmstadt)