22–25 Nov 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam-Beam effects (20' + 10')

24 Nov 2021, 14:30
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Sofia Kostoglou (CERN)


The restart of the LHC operation in 2022 for three years of physics production, namely Run3, coincides with the completion of the injector’s upgrade, aiming to increase the beam brightness by a factor of two (achieved both from improved emittance and increased intensity). Such an increase of the beam intensity is accompanied by an enhancement of the strong non-linear fields produced by beam-beam interactions, which is the dominating factor of performance degradation during collisions. In the presence of strong non-linearities such as beam-beam effects, the selection of the appropriate machine settings given the expected beam parameters during the operational cycle of the LHC is of paramount importance in order to ensure its optimal performance. To guide the orchestration of these parameters, a multi-parametric Dynamic Aperture (DA) simulation framework has been developed and successfully employed in Run2. Using this framework, this talk illustrates the preservation of the DA and thus, of the beam lifetime, during the most important processes of the LHC hypercycle such as the LHCb crossing angle rotation, the tune change, the collapse of the separation bumps and the luminosity leveling. Other effects such as beam-beam induced beta-beating and the impact of beam- beam effects on the closed orbit are also discussed.

Presentation materials