22–25 Nov 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

ADT & ObsBox (20' + 10')

23 Nov 2021, 17:10
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


Show room on map


Martin Soderen (CERN)


During LS2, ADT and ADTObsBox have received a substantial upgrade. New low noise BPM electronics were
developed and successfully tested with beam in October 2021 in the LHC. Power amplifiers in the tunnel underwent
maintenance and were equipped with new tetrodes. The ADTObsBox has been completely redesigned using state of the
art computing hardware and new low and high level software. All these upgrades allow to operate ADT in Run3 with
significantly improved performance and will provide more features to operations and accelerator physics teams. Many
previously experimental features should become operational tools in Run 3.
During the commissioning for the beam test, we have learned a lot about the new system. From this experience we have
developed procedures and tools to optimize the setting up for the restart. ADT is ready for the restart in 2022 with
robust feedback, all extra features known from the previous runs and the possibility for new special features and modes
of operation during Run 3.

Presentation materials