ECFA Higgs Factories: 1st Topical Meeting on Generators
The meeting is hosted at CERN with the support of the Future Collider group, RCS-PRJ-FC.
As follow up on the June 18th kick off for ECFA workshops on e+e- Higgs/top/EW factories, this is the first topical meeting.
A crucial role is played by Monte Carlo generators, considering not only the ones developed for e+e- collisions, but also the ones developed for LHC physics which could be fruitfully adapted to the leptonic initial state.
In this two day meeting we will discuss the status and possible future developments as well as discuss with experts of the software framework common to FCC, ILC, CLIC, in order to efficiently interface the developments in the planned simulation chains of future accelerators.
The workshop will be in hybrid form both in ZOOM and at CERN. Due to current restrictions the number of participants at CERN will be limited.
Please register (irrespective of whether you will participate via zoom or in person) preferably before Nov 8, as connection information will be made available to the registered participants.
We are very interested in your participation in this common effort. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like to make a presentation or if you would like to help with the work!
Kind regards,
ECFA Higgs Factories study
For registration: an account is required.
If needed an external CERN account can be requested here:
Rooms (all days with the exception of Wednesday afternoon):
- primary room Filtration Plant 222/R-001
- overflow room (if needed): Anderson 40-S2-A01
Room on Wednesday Nov 10 afternoon: Anderson 40-S2-A01
Abideh Jafari
Aidan Robson
Alain Blondel
Alan Price
Aleksander Zarnecki
Alessandro Gavardi
Alexander Grohsjean
Andre Sailer
Andrea Valassi
Andrea Wulzer
Andrzej Kupsc
Andrzej Siódmok
Andy Buckley
Antonin Maire
Arif Akhundov
Arindam Das
Armin Ilg
Bartosz Dziewit
Calin Alexa
Carlo M. Carloni Calame
Carlo Oleari
Clara Del Pio
Clement Helsens
Daniel Schulte
David d'Enterria
David Lange
Dirk Zerwas
Dmitri Konstantinov
Eduardo Ploerer
Efe Yazgan
Emanuela Musumeci
Emanuele Re
Emmanuel Francois Perez
Erica Brondolin
Esteban Fullana Torregrosa
Fabio Maltoni
Fanqiang Meng
Felix Yu
Franco Bedeschi
Frank-Dieter Gaede
Freya Blekman
Fulvio Piccinini
Gavin Salam
Gerardo Ganis
Giovanni Stagnitto
Giulia Marinelli
Graeme A Stewart
Gregorio Bernardi
Gurpreet Singh Chahal
Gustavo Gil Da Silveira
Ilkka Helenius
Irina Korzhavina
Jacek Holeczek
Jan Henryk Kalinowski
Janusz Rosiek
Jenny List
Jorgen D'Hondt
Josh McFayden
Juan Alcaraz Maestre
Juan Fuster
Juhi Dutta
Jürgen Reuter
Kajari Mazumdar
Karl Jakobs
Katri Huitu
Keisho Hidaka
Krzysztof Mekala
Kunal Gautam
Long Chen
Lorenzo Ricci
Ludovic Scyboz
Maksym Titov
Marc Huwiler
Maria Vittoria Garzelli
Matteo Cacciari
Matteo Cacciari
Matti Kalliokoski
mauro chiesa
Michelangelo Mangano
Mikael Berggren
Paolo Nason
Patrick Janot
Patrizia Azzi
Philipp Roloff
Pia Bredt
Placido Fernandez Declara
Qiang Li
Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez
Renat Sadykov
Richard Ruiz
Rikkert Frederix
Roberto Salerno
Roberto Tenchini
Ron Settles
Roy Lemmon
Shehu AbdusSalam
Si Hyun Jeon
Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
Simon Plätzer
Simone Alioli
Staszek Jadach
Stefano Frixione
Steffen Schumann
Tania Natalie Robens
Taylor Childers
Thomas Madlener
Thorsten Ohl
Tobias Striegl
Torbjorn Sjostrand
Valentin Volkl
Vasiliki Mitsou
Vincenzo Innocente
Vitalii Okorokov
Wolfgang Kilian
Wonyong Chung
Yiannis Polychronakos-Magafas
Zbigniew Andrzej Was