If dark mesons exist, their evolution and hadronization procedure are currently little constrained. They could decay promptly and result in a very SM QCD like jet structure, even though the original decaying particles are dark sector ones; they could behave as semi-visible jets; or they could behave as completely detector-stable hadrons, in which case the final state is just the missing...
I will review recent efforts to extend Sherpa to include photon PDFs in Sherpa and to describe photoproduction events.
Status report on Sherpa summing up developments in the closing MCnet period
Status report on developments in Pythia8 in the closing MCnet-funded period.
Summary of my PhD thesis.
In the hypothesis that the scale of new physics is considerably higher than the energies probed at colliders, we can parametrise modified interactions induced by BSM effects among SM particles in a model-independent framework, the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT).
In the thesis, several phenomenological aspects of the SMEFT are discussed, both at...
Matching of logarithms of high-energy and of the parton shower have previously been reported for the (high energy) leading logarithmic component of the cross section, and only up to the first emission from PYTHIA.
We discuss a method for both extending this matching both to all orders, and to include the non-resummable component of the cross section through standard CKKW-L merging.
In this talk I will present my work implementing QED real corrections in the Sherpa event generator. Using the Catani-Seymour dipole formalism, a kT-ordered QED parton shower was constructed. The correct radiation pattern was obtained by applying negative weights to same-charge dipoles using the existing framework for applying analytic weights in the veto algorithm.
I will also present a...
- short presentation of all the papers that intersect between mG5aMC and Mcnet.
(likely one slide per paper) - short Presentation of the work still in progress (likely on slide per project)
Status report on Rivet summing up developments in the closing MCnet period.
Status report on Contur summing up developments in the closing MCnet period
In this talk, which will follow a somewhat unconventional format, I will share with you a few things I learned during my PhD that I found particularly interesting. The specific topics I will touch on are hadronic rescattering, exotic hadrons and cosmic rays.
For the MCnet shortterm studentship program, my task was to construct the interface that connects MadGraph to Rivet and in the end, Contur to do reinterpretation studies. The interface construction was successfully done, with actual working examples (physics results). The talk will be about latest updates to MadGraph interfaced to Rivet/Contur and reinterpretation results on several heavy...
I will present Sherpa's ongoing development for future lepton colliders.
Status report on HEJ summing up developments in the closing MCnet period.
Quarkonia production has been a long-standing puzzle in particle physics. The polarisation measurement of $J/\psi$ is expected to have significant transverse polarisation at large $p_{T}$, but has been experimentally observed to be consistent with zero. Hard production of onia processes using NRQCD formalism are available in the Pythia8 framework. However, these processes alone cannot fully...
After the discovery of Higgs boson by CMS and ATLAS experiment in 2012 the current mandate of the LHC is to search for the Higgs Boson self coupling along, which is yet to be measured. CMS and ATLAS are performing the search in different channels of non -resonant Higgs boson production using full Run-2 data taken by LHC. In this context one of the most clear channels is di-Higgs to...
After the discovery of the Higgs boson at 2012, there is no direct evidence for new physics. It is thus a good time to explore a new phase space. We perform a search for new physics inside a jet using non-isolated leptons related with the muon g-2 and LHCb's lepton universality violation results. There is no proper shower generator to generate the signal sample for this search, we implement...