6–8 Dec 2021
University of Manchester
Europe/London timezone

MadGraph-Rivet/Contur interface development

7 Dec 2021, 17:10
Niels Bohr Common Room, 6th Floor Schuster Building (University of Manchester)

Niels Bohr Common Room, 6th Floor Schuster Building

University of Manchester

Department of Physics & Astronomy Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL


Si Hyun Jeon (Seoul National University (KR))


For the MCnet shortterm studentship program, my task was to construct the interface that connects MadGraph to Rivet and in the end, Contur to do reinterpretation studies. The interface construction was successfully done, with actual working examples (physics results). The talk will be about latest updates to MadGraph interfaced to Rivet/Contur and reinterpretation results on several heavy neutrino mass models with Contur.


Si Hyun Jeon (Seoul National University (KR))


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