Two-days training to start working on the Atos QLM38 appliance.
The goal of the QLM Fast-start training is to help end-users begin their journey on the recently acquired Quantum Learning Machine (QLM). The QLM is a Quantum Computing simulator that can run simulations either ideal or noisy, with optimizers and tools to ease scientists that want to focus on their algorithms right now. During these two days we are going to use the CERN’s QLM and practice most of the functionalities available to fasten the learning curve.
- ssh client (Advise: MobaXterm)
- ssh access to QLM(and accessto jupyternotebook)
- Web Browser
Background knowledge:
- Linear algebra basis
- Quantum mechanism principles are recommended but not mandatory
Gaëtan Rubez joined Atos in 2015 as a PhD student in science with a specialty in computer science. Once graduated he got the opportunity to join the Quantum Computing team of the center of excellence in performance programming in Atos. He is currently a Quantum Computing expert for Atos. Its core activity is a combination of helping users by teaching the tools available in the QLM and analyzing the impact of Quantum computing on business use cases
Suggested readings:
- Robert-S.-Sutor-Dancing-with-Qubits_-How-quantum-computing-works-and-how-it-can-change-the-world-Packt-Publishing-2019
- Bernhardt-Chris-Quantum-computing-for-everyone-The-MIT-Press-2019
- Programming Quantum Computers Essential Algorithms and Code Samples