Meeting on Experience with Testing and Applicaton of Cable-in Conduit Conductors (CICC's)

Victoria Conference Center (Victoria,B.C.)

Victoria Conference Center


    • 1
      Welcome / Opening remarks
      Speaker: Cesar Luongo (Bechtel )
    • 2
      Overview of Past CICC Tests
      Speaker: John R. Miller (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
    • 3
      CICC Experience at MIT
      Speaker: Joseph Minervini (Massachusetts Insititute of Technology)
    • 4
      Summary of Tests for the Westinghouse LCP Conductor and Joints
      Speaker: Phillip Sanger (Westinghouse Electric Cor. )
    • 5
      Experience with CIC Magnets at ORNL
      Speaker: Winston Lue (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
    • 09:55
    • 6
      High-Field Tests of ITER Prototype CICC
      Speaker: Stewart Shen (Applied Superconductivity Group Laurence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • 7
      Development of Forced-Flow Cooled Superconducting Poloidal Coils for Large Helical Device
      Speaker: Toshiyuki Mito (National Institute for Fusion Science SCM & Cryogenic Building)
    • 8
      Lessons Learned from Testing the SMES CICC Adventures at 200 kA and Above
      Speaker: Scott Peck (General Dynamics Space Systems Division)
    • 9
      Quench Initiation and Propagation Study for the SMES CICC
      Speaker: John R. Miller (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory)
    • 11:45
    • 10
      Presentation of CEA Activity on CIC Development for Fusion
      Speaker: Jean-Luc Duchateau (CEA Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires de Cadarache)
    • 11
      Status of the Conductor Development for the Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X
      Speaker: Reinhard Heller (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH )
    • 12
      Test Results on CICCs and Coils Fabricated as part of the Development of Fusion Magnets at JAERI
      Speaker: Toshinari Ando (Superconducting Magnet Laboratory JAERI )
    • 13
      Stability of CIC Conductors in Rapidly Changing Magnetic Fields : Experiments and Model Calculations
      Speaker: Curt Schmidt (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH )
    • 14
      Development Experience at Ansaldo in CIC Conductors
      Speaker: Alessandro Bonito-Oliva (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory )
    • 15:05
      Break / Adjourn
    • 15
      Planning for preparation of review paper and assignment of tasks
      Speaker: All Speakers