Nonperturbative Methods in Quantum Field Theory

503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)

503/1-001 - Council Chamber


Show room on map
Matthew Thomas Walters (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))

This two-week workshop will bring together researchers from multiple subfields of theoretical condensed matter and particle physics, focused on the shared goal of solving strongly-coupled systems. We plan to cover recent advances in many different approaches to quantum field theory, including Hamiltonian truncation, tensor networks, bootstrap methods, resurgence, and lattice field theory. The goal of this workshop is to unite these various communities into a shared collaborative effort and establish concrete benchmarks for the future of the emerging new field of nonperturbative QFT. We plan to have a relaxed schedule, with plenty of time for both structured and informal discussions.

A key aspect of this workshop is an initiative to support inclusivity and diversity within our community. We hope to bring up to 10 young researchers—at any stage of familiarity with this topic—to the workshop, prioritizing those from underrepresented groups or who have limited access to funding resources. In addition to providing funding, we intend to support these researchers before, during, and after the workshop with (1) a preliminary "boot camp", (2) allotted discussions with senior participants, and (3) virtual follow-up meetings. We encourage all students and junior postdocs who are eager to join this research program to apply. More information, including application instructions, can be found under the heading "Inclusivity Initiative".

Due to COVID restrictions, participation is by invitation only, other than applicants to the inclusivity initiative.


  • Alba Grassi (CERN & UniGe)
  • Brian Henning (EPFL)
  • João Penedones (EPFL)
  • Matthew Walters (EPFL)
  • Alexander Zhiboedov (CERN)

Supported by CERN and the Simons Collaboration on the Nonperturbative Bootstrap

  • Aditya Hebbar
  • Albert Gasull
  • Aleksey Cherman
  • Alexander Monin
  • Alexandre Belin
  • Andreas Läuchli
  • Ansh Bhatnagar
  • Antoine Tilloy
  • Balt van Rees
  • Bianka Meçaj
  • Brian Henning
  • Carl Beadle
  • Claudia Rella
  • Denis Karateev
  • Dondi Nicola
  • Dorota Grabowska
  • Emanuel Katz
  • Eren Firat
  • Francesco Riva
  • Gábor Takács
  • Ian Moult
  • Ilaria Costa
  • Ivan Kukuljan
  • James Ingoldby
  • Jannes Nys
  • Jedidiah Thompson
  • Joan Elias Miró
  • José Matos
  • Kara Farnsworth
  • Kelian Häring
  • Leonardo Giusti
  • Lorenzo Ricci
  • Majid Ekhterachian
  • Manuel Loparco
  • Marc Riembau
  • Marcia Tenser
  • Marco Meineri
  • Marco Serone
  • Marcos Mariño
  • Mari Carmen Bañuls
  • Markus Luty
  • Marton Lajer
  • Matthijs Hogervorst
  • Maxim Metlitski
  • Maxwell Hansen
  • Miguel Correia
  • Minahil Butt
  • Mithat Ünsal
  • Nora Brambilla
  • Norman Hogan
  • Olivier Delouche
  • Poetri Sonya Tarabunga
  • Rachel Houtz
  • Ramon Miravitllas Mas
  • Robert Konik
  • Sara Motalebi
  • Sergio Ricossa
  • Siyu Chen
  • Theodore Jacobson
  • Tomas Reis
  • Vito Pellizzani
  • Vladimir Kazakov
  • Weiguang Cao
  • Xiang Zhao
  • Yuan Xin
  • Zechuan Zheng
There is a live webcast for this event
TH workshop secretariat