Radiation damage investigation of epitaxial p-type Schottky diodes using TCAD simulation

29 Nov 2022, 09:50
Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor (ETSI Seville)

Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor

ETSI Seville

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n 41092 Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla Spain


Yebo Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


This study is based on the IV, CV and CCE measurements of p-type Schottky diodes with 50 µm epitaxial layer to investigate the radiation bulk damage. Non-irradiated and various neutron irradiated (1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15 and 1e16 [1MeV n_eq/cm^2]) diodes are being tested at RAL and Carleton University. Properties extracted from the measurements have been used in the TCAD simulations. In this talk, details of the procedure of the simulation will be given. And the comparisons of the simulations and the measurements will be presented.


Yebo Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))


Adnan Malik (STFC-RAL) Angela Mccormick (Carleton University) Christoph Thomas Klein (Carleton University (CA)) Dengfeng Zhang (University of Sheffield (GB)) Enrico Giulio Villani (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)) Garry Tarr (Carleton University) Hongbo Zhu (ZJU - Zhejiang University (CN)) Dr Matthew Glenn Kurth (Institute of High Energy Physics (CN)) Rob Vandusen (Carleton University) Rodney Aiton (Carleton University) Thomas Koffas (Carleton University (CA))

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