Social Events
Sunday 2nd October 2011
Time : 19:00
Place : Novae Restaurant (Ground Floor CERN Main Building)
Wednesday 5th October 2011
Time : 19:30
Place : The Globe of Science and Innovation
Thursday 6th October 2011
14:00 - 16:00
The following visits are organized (detailed information here)
Experimental Areas of LHC Experiments
ALICE LHC Tour, including SM18
ATLAS LHC Tour, including SM18
CMS LHC Tour, including TOTEM and SM18
LHCb LHC Tour, including SM18 - CERN Control Centre and Computing Tour
- Engineering and Computing Tour
- CERN Control Centre and Fixed Target Programmes, incl. NA62
- Fixed-target Experiments, including COMPASS and NA61
- Fixed-target Experiments, including NA62 and COMPASS