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13–17 Feb 2023
Padova, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 4th edition of the workshop series “International Workshop on QCD Challenges from pp to AA collisions” will be held in Padova.

The meeting is co-organized by the INFN Padua division and the Department  of Physics and Astronomy of the Padua University.


The goal of the workshop is to discuss open questions in the field of QCD that are addressed by experiments studying high-energy proton-proton and heavy-ion collisions. Experimental physicists and theorists will discuss together open problems, possible solutions, and future theoretical and experimental directions. 


The workshop is organized in plenary and round-table sessions related to the following six discussion tracks:

  • Initial state and ultra-peripheral
  • Jet production and properties in pp and in the medium
  • Event properties and hydro in small and large systems
  • Hadronization of light and heavy flavour across collision systems
  • Energy loss and transport in the medium and in small systems
  • QCD and astrophysics

In plenary sessions invited speakers will give an overview on their specific field of interest. The round-tables, one per track, consist in small groups (7-8 persons) in which new ideas and studies from both the experimental and theoretical sides can be discussed in details. The conveners of each track will steer the discussion and recap it in the last plenary session on the last day of the workshop.


Plenary and the joint round-table sessions will be held in Padova, at the Palazzo della Salute, a venue located in the very heart of Padova.
Parallel round-table sessions will be held in different rooms at the Department of Physics and Astronomy. 


Looking forward to seeing you in Padova!




The event is sponsored by:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 824093.

Padova, Italy