13–17 Feb 2023
Padova, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone


Jet production and properties in pp and in the medium

13 Feb 2023, 13:45
Padova, Italy

Padova, Italy


Jet production and properties in pp and in the medium

  • Leticia Cunqueiro Mendez (Roma Sapienza University)
  • Martin Spousta (Charles University)
  • Alba Soto Ontoso (CERN)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Daniel Pablos (INFN Torino)
13/02/2023, 13:45
Jack Holguin (CPHT Ecole Polytechnique)
13/02/2023, 14:05
Adam Takacs (University of Bergen)
13/02/2023, 14:25
Marta Verweij (Utrecht University (NL))
13/02/2023, 14:45
Building timetable...