Keynotes: How Computers Improve Physics Teaching Through Interactive Engagement
- Wolfgang Christian
Keynotes: Using phyphox for innovative teaching-learning situtations in physics
- Jens Noritzsch (RWTH Aachen University)
Keynotes: Compute shaders in physics education
- Maciej Matyka
Keynotes: Digital Competences and Physics Education – Perspectives for Classroom Practice and Teacher Education
- Andréas Mueller
Recent development of fast graphics processing units (GPUs) used mainly for rendering high quality graphics, computing advanced machine learning models or even digging some bitcoins have opened new perspectives for education. Some of us remember computing real-time 100x100 game of life models in computer lab of modelling course. Today, full 4K resolution (by saying that we mean 3840x2160) in...
Almost all teens or young learners have smartphones. The free app phyphox turns these –or tablets– into versatile mobile labs. This makes it possible to conduct scientific experiments away from the lab equipment and specialised tools, proving particularly beneficial at times.
Some examples and ideas as well as ways to expand the potential are presented.