3–9 Sept 2023
Hilton of the Americas, 1600 Lamar, Houston, Texas, 77010, USA
US/Central timezone

Measurement of the transverse momentum($j_\mathrm{T}$) distributions of charged-particle jet fragments in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE

5 Sept 2023, 17:30
2h 10m
Grand Ballroom, 4th floor ( Hilton of the Americas)

Grand Ballroom, 4th floor

Hilton of the Americas

Poster Jets Poster Session


Jaehyeok Ryu (Pusan National University (KR))


Measurement of the jet substructure and the distribution of final state hadrons within a jet provide a detailed look into both the partonic shower and hadronisation process. These processes can be studied using the transverse momentum ($j_\mathrm{T}$) and longitudinal momentum fraction ($z$) of constituent particles. ALICE has recently measured the transverse momentum distributions of the jet fragments in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE. Various parton-shower models were shown to reasonably describe the pp results. We now extend this analysis to more detailed measurements of the $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions for charged-particle jets in pp collisions, in several $z$ ranges. The $z$-dependent $j_\mathrm{T}$ distributions are compared with the theoretical predictions to test our current understanding of jet fragmentation.

Category Experiment
Collaboration (if applicable) ALICE

Primary author

Jaehyeok Ryu (Pusan National University (KR))

Presentation materials