Quark Matter 2023

from Sunday 3 September 2023 (08:00) to Saturday 9 September 2023 (13:25)
Hilton of the Americas, 1600 Lamar, Houston, Texas, 77010, USA

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
3 Sept 2023
4 Sept 2023
5 Sept 2023
6 Sept 2023
7 Sept 2023
8 Sept 2023
9 Sept 2023
Student Registration (until 09:00) (QM Registration Desk on 4th floor)
Student Lectures - Saskia Mioduszewski (Texas A&M University) (until 10:30)
09:00 Detectors in Heavy Ion Physics - Thomas Hemmick   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:45 Jet Physics - Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli (Vanderbilt University)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Student Lectures - Saskia Mioduszewski (Texas A&M University) (until 12:30)
11:00 Bulk Physics - Flow and Correlations - Prof. Hanna Zbroszczyk (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:30 Bulk Physics - Critical point searches - Lijuan Ruan   (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:00 Bulk Physics - Finite Density QCD - Thomas Schaefer   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Registration (until 08:45)
08:45 Welcome and Introductions   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:15 Keynote talk - David Gross (KITP/UCSB)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Barbara Jacak (University of California Berkeley (US)) (until 12:35)
10:30 ALICE Overview - Ionut Cristian Arsene (University of Oslo (NO))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:00 ATLAS Overview - Aaron Angerami (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:25 CMS Overview - Austin Alan Baty (Rice University (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:50 LHCb Overview - John Matthew Durham (Los Alamos National Laboratory)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:15 HADES Overview - Simon Spies (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Chirality - Dirk Rischke (until 10:30) (Ballroom A)
08:30 Hyperon Polarization in Heavy Ion Collisions from STAR - Xingrui Gou  
08:50 Search for anomalous chiral effects in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE - Chunzheng Wang (Fudan University (CN))  
09:10 QGP vortex rings as a new probe for jet-induced medium response and longitudinal dynamics - Willian Matioli Serenone (Universidade de São Paulo)  
09:30 New Insights into Global Spin Alignment in Heavy-Ion Collisions: Measurements of $\phi$, $\omega$, $\rho^0$, and $J/\psi$ at STAR - Baoshan Xi (Fudan University)  
09:50 A new stable and causal theory of viscous chiral hydrodynamics - Nick Abboud (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  
10:10 Search for the Chiral Magnetic and Vortical Effects Using Event Shape Variables in Au+Au Collisions at STAR - ZHIWAN XU  
Collective Dynamics - Jun Takahashi (University of Campinas UNICAMP (BR)) (until 10:30) (Ballroom B)
08:30 Anisotropic flow of identifed particles in Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3.0 - 19.6 GeV (remote) - Zuowen Liu  
08:50 Rapidity-dependent dynamics of the initial state via 3D multi-system Bayesian calibration - Andi Mankolli (Vanderbilt University (US))  
09:10 Probing initial baryon stopping and equation of state with rapidity-dependent directed flow of identified particles - Lipei Du (McGill University)  
09:30 Elliptic anisotropy measurement of the $f_0(980)$ in pPb collisions and determination of its quark content by CMS - An Gu (Purdue University (US))  
09:50 Quenching minijets in a concurrent jet+hydro evolution and its consequences for extracting transport coefficients of QGP - Mayank Singh (University of Minnesota)  
10:10 Can we observe using the collective flow effects of the early nonequilirium dynamics - Piotr Bozek (AGH University of Science and Technology)  
Critical Point - Nu Xu (until 10:30) (Ballroom C)
08:30 Probing the nature of the QCD phase transition with higher-order net-proton number fluctuation and local parton density fluctuation measurements at RHIC-STAR - Dylan Neff  
08:50 Critical Expectations: Non-Gaussian Cumulants of Particle Multiplicities Near the Critical Point - Maneesha Sushama Pradeep  
09:10 Femtoscopy analysis in small systems at NA61/SHINE - Barnabas Porfy (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU))  
09:30 Baryon number fluctuations at high baryon density (remote) - Prof. Wei-jie Fu (Dalian University of Technology)  
09:50 Location of the QCD critical point predicted by holographic Bayesian analysis - Mauricio Hippert Teixeira (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  
10:10 Spinodal enhancement of fluctuations in nucleus-nucleus collisions (remote) - Dr Roman Poberezhnyuk (Bogolubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)  
Heavy Flavor - Pol Gossiaux (until 10:30) (Ballroom D)
08:30 Recent charmonium measurements in Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE (remote) - Xiaozhi Bai (University of Science and Technology of China (USTC))  
08:50 Studies of heavy quark dynamics using B mesons with the CMS experiment - Tzu-An Sheng (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
09:10 Probe parton propagation in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE heavy-flavour measurements (remote) - Ravindra Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IN))  
09:30 Measurements of charm quark production and hadronization at CMS - Soumik Chandra (Purdue University (US))  
09:50 Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient during hydrodynamization via effective kinetic theory - Jarkko Peuron (University of Jyväskylä)  
10:10 Bottom hadro-chemistry in $pp$ and PbPb collisions at the LHC (remote) - Min He (Nanjing University of Science & Technology)  
Jets - Mateusz Ploskon (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) (until 10:30) (Ballroom F)
08:30 Identifying jet observables which can see the short-length structure of QGP - Prof. Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
08:50 Scanning the initial jet production points with dijet tomography in heavy-ion collisions - Dr Yayun He (South China Normal University)  
09:10 Looking for the dead-cone in heavy-ion collisions with energy correlators (remote) - Ian James Moult  
09:30 ATLAS measurements of $b$-jet suppression and heavy-flavor azimuthal correlations in 5.02 TeV Pb+Pb collisions - Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))  
09:50 Revealing the medium-recoil effect with high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ Z boson tagged underlying event distribution in PbPb collisions at CMS (remote) - Pin-Chun Chou (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
10:10 Measurements of the jet axis decorrelation and the groomed jet radius with photon-jet events in PbPb and pp collisions at the CMS experiment - Molly Taylor (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Collective Dynamics - James Lawrence Nagle (University of Colorado Boulder) (until 13:20) (Ballroom B)
11:00 Establishing the Range of Applicability of Hydrodynamics in High-Energy Collisions - Clemens Werthmann (University of Wroclaw)  
11:20 Elliptic and triangular flow of light (anti-)nuclei in Au+Au collisions in the BES-II energies using the STAR detector (remote) - Rishabh Sharma (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati)  
11:40 Measuring flow harmonics up to order 10 and net-charge fluctuations in PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment - Shengquan Tuo (Vanderbilt University (US))  
12:00 What carries baryon number? Simulations of baryon and electric charge stopping in isobar collisions. - Gregoire Pihan  
12:20 Thermalization of QGP through transverse momentum fluctuation in ultra-central Pb+Pb collision - Rupam Samanta (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland and Institute of Theoretical Physics, CEA, Paris-Saclay University, Gif-sur-Yvette, France)  
12:40 Longitudinal Decorrelation Measurements from pp to A+A with the ATLAS detector - Blair Daniel Seidlitz (Columbia University (US))  
13:00 Chasing the onset of QCD thermalisation with ALICE - Mario Ciacco (Politecnico di Torino and INFN Torino (IT))  
Heavy Flavor - Federico Antinori (Universita e INFN, Padova (IT)) (until 13:20) (Ballroom D)
11:00 Heavy Flavor and Quarkonia results from the PHENIX experiment - Krista Lizbeth Smith (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))  
11:20 Measurements of Charm Quark Interaction with the QGP in Heavy-Ion Collisions at STAR - Yuan Su (University of Science and Technology of China)  
11:40 Beam energy dependence of heavy flavor production in Au+Au collisions at STAR - Yan Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)  
12:00 Quarkonia as probes of initial and final states in small systems with ALICE (remote) - Subikash Choudhury (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))  
12:20 Modification of heavy quark hadronization in high multiplicity collisions at LHCb (remote) - Chenxi Gu (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))  
12:40 New LHCb results on quarkonia production in pp and pPb collisions - Cesar Luiz Da Silva (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))  
13:00 Heavy Flavor machine learning algorithms for Fast Data Processing in sPHENIX - Cameron Dean (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
Jets -Dr Xin-Nian Wang (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US)) (until 13:20) (Ballroom F)
11:00 Parton cascades at DLA: the role of the evolution variable - André Cordeiro  
11:20 Exploring medium properties and evolution with ALICE using correlated, groomed, and reclustered jet substructure - Hannah Bossi (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
11:40 New measurements of inclusive jet $R_{\rm AA}$ with mixing technique and jet $v_2$ properties with ALICE - Nadine Alice Gruenwald (Heidelberg University (DE))  
12:00 Readiness of the sPHENIX experiment for jet physics - Timothy Thomas Rinn (Brookhaven National Laboratory)  
12:20 Photon-triggered jets as probes of multi-stage jet modification - Chathuranga Sirimanna  
12:40 Quantum to classical parton evolution in the QGP - João Barata  
13:00 Isolating final state effects in high $p_T$ $\pi^0$ production using direct photons in small system collisions with PHENIX - Daniel Firak  
Light Flavor - Peter Braun-Munzinger (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE)) (until 13:20) (Ballroom C)
11:00 Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7, 14.6, 19.6, and 200 GeV with the STAR experiment - Yi Fang  
11:20 Particle production and collective flow measurements with CMS Run 3 PbPb data (remote) - Jing Wang (CERN)  
11:40 Exploring the internal structure of exotic resonances with ALICE - Sonali Padhan (IIT- Indian Institute of Technology (IN))  
12:00 Anomalous kaon correlations measured in Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC as evidence for the melting and refreezing of the QCD vacuum - Joseph Kapusta  
12:20 Exploring the hadron gas phase of relativistic heavy-ion collisions with ALICE (remote) - Dr Neelima Agrawal (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))  
12:40 Shedding light on light flavour particle production in small systems at the LHC with ALICE - Francesca Ercolessi (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))  
13:00 Bulk flow and correlation measurements at LHCb - Cheuk Ping Wong (Brookhaven National Laboratory)  
New Theory - Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 13:20) (Ballroom A)
11:00 Testing Eigenstate Thermalization Hypothesis for Non-Abelian Gauge Theories - Xiaojun Yao (University of Washington)  
11:20 Far-from-equilibrium slow modes and momentum anisotropy in expanding plasma - Jasmine Therese Brewer (CERN)  
11:40 Non-Hydrodynamic Modes from Linear Response in Kinetic Theory - Stephan Ochsenfeld (Bielefeld University)  
12:00 Exploring the freeze-out hypersurface with a rapidity-dependent thermal model - Han Gao  
12:20 A solvable quantum field theory with asymptotic freedom in 3+1 dimensions - Paul Romatschke  
12:40 Non-Gaussian fluctuation dynamics in relativistic fluid near a critical point - Xin An (National Center for Nuclear Research)  
13:00 Excited Hadron Channels in Hadronization - Rainer Fries (Texas A&M University)  
Collective Dynamics - Marco Van Leeuwen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)) (until 10:30) (Ballroom B)
08:30 First-Order Event Plane Correlated Directed and Triangular Flow in BES-II Au+Au Collisions at STAR - Xiaoyu Liu  
08:50 Bayesian calibration of viscous anisotropic hydrodynamic simulations of heavy-ion collisions* - Ulrich Heinz  
09:10 Light- and Hyper-Nuclei Collectivity in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR (remote) - Chengdong Han  
09:30 Simulating collectivity in dense baryon matter with multiple fluids - Boris Tomasik (Univerzita Mateja Bela (SK))  
09:50 Local and global polarization of $\Lambda$ hyperons across RHIC-BES energies: The roles of spin hall effect, initial condition, and baryon diffusion (remote) - Xiang-Yu Wu (Central China Normal University)  
10:10 Constraining the medium properties with the anisotropic flow and its correlations in Pb--Pb collisions at the highest energy with ALICE - Dr Cindy Mordasini (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))  
Heavy Flavor - Ralf Rapp (until 10:30) (Ballroom D)
08:30 Probing parton formation times with $g\rightarrow c\bar{c}$ splitting - Dr Wilke Van Der Schee (CERN)  
08:50 First energy-energy correlators measurements for inclusive and heavy-flavour tagged jets with ALICE - Wenqing Fan (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))  
09:10 Microscopic Model for Quarkonia Production in Heavy-Ion collisions - Joerg Aichelin (SUBATECH)  
09:30 Event-by-event heavy-flavour dynamics: estimating the spatial diffusion coefficient $D_s$ from charm to the infinite mass limit - Vincenzo Minissale  
09:50 Heavy-flavor transport and hadronization in proton-proton collisions - Andrea Beraudo (INFN, sezione di Torino (IT))  
10:10 A fluid-dynamic approach to heavy-quark diffusion in the quark-gluon plasma - Federica Capellino  
Jets - John William Harris (Yale University (US)) (until 10:30) (Ballroom F)
08:30 Measurements of the substructure and radius dependence of jet quenching in PbPb collisions - Dhanush Anil Hangal (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))  
08:50 Studies of jet quenching and medium response using photon+jet events with ATLAS - Christopher Mc Ginn (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
09:10 Measurement of in-medium modification of energy-space structure of jets via $\gamma$ and $\pi^0$ triggered hadrons in Au+Au collisions at RHIC - Megan Connors (Georgia State University)  
09:30 Enhancement of baryon-to-meson ratios around jets as a signature of medium response (remote) - Guang-You Qin (Central China Normal University)  
09:50 Study of jet energy redistribution and broadening using acoplanarity and planar flow measurements in pp and Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE - Jaime Norman (University of Liverpool (GB))  
10:10 Probing the dynamics of color coherence with energy correlators - Carlota Andres (Ecole Polytechnique, CPHT)  
Light Flavor - Anju Bhasin (University of Jammu (IN)) (until 10:30) (Ballroom C)
08:30 Accessing strong interaction in three-hadron systems with ALICE - Bhawani Singh (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
08:50 Measurements of (anti)(hyper)nuclei with ALICE - Ivan Vorobyev (CERN)  
09:10 High-$p_t$ suppression in small systems - Cole Faraday  
09:30 Cluster formation near midrapidity - can the mechanism be identified experimentally? - Elena Bratkovskaya (GSI, Darmstadt)  
09:50 Large isospin symmetry violation in kaon production - Wojciech Brylinski (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))  
10:10 $\Sigma^0$ reconstruction in Ag+Ag collisions at 1.58 AGeV with the HADES experiment - Marten Becker  
UPC -Prof. Daniel Tapia Takaki (University of Kansas) (until 10:30) (Ballroom A)
08:30 Probing small-$x$ nuclear gluonic structure via coherent charmonium photoproduction in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions at CMS - Jiazhao Lin (Rice University (US))  
08:50 Exclusive $J/\psi$ Photoproduction and Entanglement-Enabled Spin Interference in Ultra-Peripheral Collisions at STAR - Ashik Ikbal Sheikh  
09:10 First global study of super dense gluonic matter with UPCs by ALICE - Simone Ragoni (Creighton University (US))  
09:30 Looking for QGP signatures in ultraperipheral PbPb collisions - Sruthy Jyothi Das (University of Colorado Boulder (US))  
09:50 Quarkonia production in ultra-peripheral PbPb collisions at LHCb - Xiaolin Wang (South China Normal University (CN))  
10:10 Illuminating the impact-parameter dependence of UPC dijet photoproduction - Petja Paakkinen  
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Astrophysics -Prof. Jorge Noronha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) (until 13:00) (Ballroom A)
11:00 Bayesian analysis of nontrivial features in the speed of sound inside neutron stars in light of astrophysical and pQCD constraints - Débora Mroczek (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  
11:20 Far-from-equilibrium relativistic hydrodynamics in neutron-star mergers - Yumu Yang  
11:40 Reaching percolation and conformal limits in neutron stars - Chihiro Sasaki  
12:00 Equations of state for neutron stars with phase transitions of different orders - Alexander Clevinger  
12:20 Causal and Stable Magnetohydrodynamics - Ms Khwahish Kushwah (Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)  
12:40 Constraining (anti)nuclei measurements relevant for astrophysics with ALICE - Chiara Pinto (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
Future Experiments - Norbert Herrmann (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg) (until 13:00) (Ballroom D)
11:00 New opportunities for understanding high-density QCD matter with CMS Phase II detector at the High-Luminosity LHC era - Zhenyu Ye (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))  
11:20 Novel silicon detectors in ALICE at the LHC: the ITS3 and ALICE 3 upgrades - Isabella Sanna (Technische Universitat Munchen (DE))  
11:40 ALICE Forward Calorimeter (FoCal): Physics program and performance - Florian Jonas (Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (DE))  
12:00 The status of the CBM experiment at FAIR - Claudia Hoehne  
12:20 Commissioning and first collisions with the LHCb SMOG2 system - Saverio Mariani (CERN)  
12:40 Overview of the NA60+ experiment at the CERN SPS - Giacomo Alocco (Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))  
Jets - Olga Evdokimov (University of Illinois at Chicago (US)) (until 13:00) (Ballroom F)
11:00 Thermalization of mini-jets in QCD kinetic theory - Dr Aleksas Mazeliauskas (Heidelberg University (DE))  
11:20 Resolving medium properties using high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ jets with jet and in-jet correlations in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV with the CMS detector - Jussi Viinikainen (Vanderbilt University (US))  
11:40 Unveiling the Interplay of Multi-Partonic Structures and Strongly-Interacting Media via R-dependent Jet Modifications in Heavy-Ion Collisions (remote) - Dr Yacine Mehtar-Tani (Brookhaven National Laboratory)  
12:00 Measurements of jet momentum profile and generalized angularities in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV at STAR - Tanmay Pani  
12:20 Jet-flow coupling in heavy-ion collisions and the jet-induced diffusion wake - Zhong Yang (CCNU)  
12:40 Exploring perturbative QCD splittings in heavy-ion collisions - Adam Takacs (University of Bergen)  
Small Systems - Victoria Greene (Vanderbilt University (US)) (until 13:00) (Ballroom C)
11:00 Particle production and entropy measurement in ALICE - Alek Hutson (University of Houston (US))  
11:20 Measurement of charged and full jet production and nuclear modification factor in pp and p−Pb collisions with ALICE - Austin Schmier (University of Tennessee (US))  
11:40 Hot spots in a proton - Tuomas Lappi  
12:00 Search for longe-range QCD collective phenomena inside high-multiplicity jets in pp collisions with the CMS experiment - Parker Gardner (Rice University (US))  
12:20 Initial-state and final-state effects on hadron production in small collision systems - Dr Ivan Vitev  
12:40 AMY Lorentz invariant parton cascade - Korinna Zapp (Lund University)  
Spin/EIC Physics - Kenneth Barish (UC Riverside) (until 13:00) (Ballroom B)
11:00 Exploring the Spin Structure of the Nucleon at STAR - Ting Lin  
11:20 Harmonics of Parton Saturation in Lepton-Jet Correlations at the EIC - Yuan-Yuan Zhang (CUHK-SZ)  
11:40 Probing gluon saturation through two-particle correlations at STAR and the EIC - Xiaoxuan Chu  
12:00 Calculation of the Polarized Bethe-Heitler Cross Section for the Electron Ion Collider - Dhevan Raja Gangadharan (University of Houston (US))  
12:20 Exploration of hadronization through heavy flavor production at the future Electron-Ion Collider - Xuan Li (Los Alamos National Laboratory)  
12:40 STAR Forward Detector Upgrade Status and Performance - Zhen Wang  
Plenary Session - Giulia Manca (Universita` degli studi di Cagliari and INFN, Cagliari, IT) (until 10:30)
08:30 The Physics of small systems (remote) - Jiayin Sun (Universita e INFN, Cagliari)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:00 Collective Dynamics - experimental overview - David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (University of Campinas UNICAMP (BR))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:30 Collective Dynamics - theoretical overview - Yuuka Kanakubo (University of Jyväskylä)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:00 EPJ Featured Talk: Exotic Particle and Nuclei - Francesca Bellini (Universita e INFN, Bologna (IT))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Tetyana Galatyuk (until 12:30)
11:00 Search for the critical endpoint - Ashish Pandav   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:30 QCD at finite temperature and density - Criticality - Volodymyr Vovchenko (University of Houston)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:00 QCD at finite temperature and density - Equation of State - Jamie Karthein (MIT)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Plenary Session - Lijuan Ruan (until 10:30)
08:30 Initial State Physics - Heikki Mäntysaari (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:00 Approach to Equilibrium - Soeren Schlichting (Universität Bielefeld)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:30 New theoretical developments - Jürgen Berges (Heidelberg University)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:00 Electromagnetic Probes - Raphaelle Bailhache (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Christina Markert (University of Texas at Austin (US)) (until 12:30)
11:00 Ultra-peripheral Collisions - Daniel Brandenburg (Ohio State University)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
11:30 Chirality, Vorticity and Spin Polarization - experimental overview - Aihong Tang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:00 Quantum Computing for Nuclear Physics - Martin J. Savage   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Plenary Session - Haiyan Gao (until 10:15)
08:30 The Physics of the EIC - Anna Maria Stasto (Penn State)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:00 Future Facilities and Instrumentation - Luciano Musa (CERN)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
09:30 Conference Summary and Outlook - Helen Caines (Yale University (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Flash Talks - Claudia Ratti (until 11:45) (Ballroom of the Americas)
10:45 Introduction - Claudia Ratti  
10:46 Proton-cluster femtoscopy at the HADES experiment - Maria Stefaniak  
10:52 Deep learning for flow observables in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions - Henry Hirvonen (University of Jyväskylä (FI))  
10:58 Measurement of Two-Particle Correlations and Flow Coefficients in High Multiplicity $e^+e^-$ Collisions using Archived ALEPH Data at 91-209 GeV - Yu-Chen (Janice) Chen (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
11:04 Measurements of Hypertriton Production in Au+Au Collisions at 3 to 7.7 GeV - Yuanjing Ji (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)  
11:10 Dijet imbalance for jets of various radii in Pb+Pb and $pp$ collisions with the ATLAS detector - Anabel Romero (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))  
11:16 Dynamics of causal hydrodynamic fluctuations in an expanding system - Shin-ei Fujii (Sophia Univ.)  
11:22 Strangeness enhancement at LHCb - Desmond Mzamo Shangase (University of Michigan (US))  
11:28 Current status and future prospects of measuring hadronic interactions in pp collisions at 13.6 TeV with ALICE - Anton Albert Riedel (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
11:34 PHENIX Measurements of Azimuthal Anisotropy of Light and Heavy Flavor Hadrons in Au+Au Collisions at Forward Rapidity - Brandon Blankenship  
11:40 The Intermediate Silicon Tracker of sPHENIX - Cheng-Wei Shih (National Central University (TW))  
11:45 Best Presentation Awards   ( Ballroom of the Americas )
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Student Lectures - Manuel Calderon De La Barca (UC Davis) (until 16:15)
14:00 Heavy Flavor Physics - Enrico Scomparin (INFN Torino (IT))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
14:45 Ultra-peripheral Collisions and Electromagnetic Probes - Prof. Daniel Tapia Takaki (University of Kansas)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
15:30 The Physics of the EIC - Elke Aschenauer   (Ballroom of the Americas)
16:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Panel Discussion on Mentoring and Career Opportunities - Daniel Tapia Takaki (University of Kansas) (until 18:00) (Ballroom of the Americas)
19:00 --- An Evening at the Rustic (w. Music and Food) ---
12:35 --- Lunch ---
Plenary Session - Johanna Stachel (Heidelberg University (DE)) (until 15:30)
14:00 STAR Overview - Rosi Reed   (Ballroom of the Americas)
14:30 PHENIX Overview - Christine Nattrass (University of Tennessee (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
14:50 sPHENIX Overview - Edward O'Brien (Brookhaven National Lab)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
15:10 NA61/SHINE Overview - Piotr Podlaski (University of Warsaw (PL))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
15:30 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Veronica Dexheimer (until 18:00)
16:00 Lattice QCD Overview - Attila Pasztor (Eötvös University)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
16:30 Quark Matter and Nuclear Astrophysics - Tyler Gorda (TU Darmstadt)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
17:00 New Tools for Data Analysis and Simulations - James Mulligan (University of California, Berkeley (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
17:30 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Nuclear and Particle Physics - Geraldine Cochran (Rutgers University)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Reception at the Houston Museum of Natural Sciences - Rene Bellwied (University of Houston (US)) (until 22:00)
13:20 --- Lunch ---
EM Probes - Anne Marie Sickles (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US)) (until 17:10) (Ballroom D)
14:50 Coherent J/$\psi$ photoproduction and polarization in peripheral Pb-Pb collisions with ALICE - Afnan Shatat (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))  
15:10 Thermal dilepton production in heavy-ion collisions at Beam Energy Scan (BES) energies - Prof. Charles Gale  
15:30 Measurement of low $p_T$ direct photons with PHENIX - Vassu Doomra (Stony Brook University)  
15:50 Direct photon production and correlations in Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE - Carolina Arata (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))  
16:10 Electromagnetic radiation in pp and Pb--Pb collisions with dielectrons in ALICE - Daiki Sekihata (University of Tokyo (JP))  
16:30 Thermal dielectron measurements in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 7.7, 14.6, and 19.6 GeV with the STAR experiment - Yiding Han (Rice University)  
16:50 Measurement of dilepton and diphoton production from photon fusion processes in UPC in Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector - Peter Alan Steinberg (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))  
Initial State - Raju Venugopalan (until 17:10) (Ballroom B)
14:50 Investigating the early magnetic field of QGP via heavy-flavour polarisation studies with ALICE - Luca Micheletti (CERN)  
15:10 Limiting attractors in heavy-ion collisions --- the interplay between bottom-up and hydrodynamical attractors - Florian Lindenbauer (TU Wien)  
15:30 First study of the initial gluonic fluctuations using UPCs with ALICE - Adam Matyja (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))  
15:50 Physics opportunities from nuclear structure studies with high-energy nuclear collisions - Jiangyong Jia (Stony Brook University (US))  
16:10 Adiabatic Hydrodynamization: a Natural Framework to Find and Describe Prehydrodynamic Attractors - Rachel Steinhorst (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
16:30 Constraining the low x structure of nuclei with LHCb - Thomas Boettcher (University of Cincinnati (US))  
16:50 Using new methods for systematic study of nuclear structure in high-energy collisions to probe the effect of short-range correlations - Prof. Matthew William Luzum (University of São Paulo)  
New Theory - Ulrich Heinz (until 17:10) (Ballroom A)
14:50 A new approach to stochastic relativistic fluid dynamics from information flow - Nicki Mullins  
15:10 Azimuthal anisotropies at high $p_T$ from transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distribution and fragmentation functions - Dr ismail soudi (Wayne State University)  
15:30 Transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) factorization in reactions with nuclei: from Drell-Yan to hadron production - Dr Weiyao Ke (Los Alamos National Laboratory)  
15:50 Applicability of higher-order hydrodynamics in heavy-ion collisions - Sunil Jaiswal (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)  
16:10 Sound of rigidly moving fluids: on linear waves in inhomogeneous equilibrium configurations (remote) - Masoud Shokri (Goethe University, ITP)  
16:30 Mapping the critical equation of state by resummations - Prof. Gokce Basar (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)  
16:50 Far-from-equilibrium attractors for massive kinetic theory in the relaxation time approximation - Huda Alalawi  
QCD at finite T and density - Berndt Mueller (until 17:10) (Ballroom F)
14:50 High order fluctuations of conserved charges in the continuum limit - Szabolcs Istvan Borsanyi  
15:10 QCD based equation of state at finite density with a critical point from an alternative expansion scheme - Micheal Kahangirwe  
15:30 Bayesian Inference of QGP Properties and 3D Dynamics in Heavy-Ion Collisions in the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program - Chun Shen (Wayne State University)  
15:50 Particle production in Au+Au collisions at Beam Energy Scan II energies at RHIC - Matthew Harasty (University of California, Davis)  
16:10 Equation of state of a hot-and-dense quark gluon plasma: lattice simulations at real $\mu_B$ vs. extrapolations - Dr Chik Him Wong  
16:30 QCD equation of state with improved precision from lattice simulations - Paolo Parotto  
16:50 Heavy quark diffusion from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD - Hai-Tao Shu  
Small Systems - William Zajc (Columbia University) (until 17:10) (Ballroom C)
14:50 Small-system properties as measured with jets and high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ azimuthal anisotropy by the CMS experiment - Dener De Souza Lemos (University of Illinois at Chicago (US))  
15:10 Pinning down the origin of collectivity in small systems with ALICE (remote) - Mingrui Zhao (China Institute of Atomic Energy (CN))  
15:30 Recent results from fixed-target collisions at LHCb - Kara Mattioli (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))  
15:50 Measuring jet quenching with a Bayesian Inference analysis of hadron and jet data by JETSCAPE - Raymond Ehlers (University of California Berkeley (US))  
16:10 Correlation between $\Upsilon$(nS) meson and underlying event in $pp$ collision - Zvi Citron (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (IL))  
16:30 Flowing to the future: Simulating the tiniest fluids in 3+1 dimensions - Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Lab)  
16:50 Measurements of azimuthal anisotropies in $^{16}$O+$^{16}$O and $\gamma$+Au collisions from STAR - Shengli Huang  
17:10 --- Wine & Cheese for the poster session ---
Poster Session (until 19:40)
17:30 $\mathrm{K^{0}_S}$ and $\Lambda$ ($\bar{\Lambda}$) two-particle femtoscopic correlations in PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment - Michael Murray (The University of Kansas (US))  
17:30 $\Omega_{\rm c}^{0}$ production in pp collisions at $\sqrt s$ = 13 TeV with ALICE - Tiantian Cheng (CCNU - Central China Normal University(CN), GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH(DE))  
17:30 $K^{+}K^{+}$ correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at 3.0 - 3.9 GeV - Bijun Fan (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 $K_{1}/K^{*}$ enhancement as a signature of chiral symmetry restoration in heavy ion collisions - Haesom Sung  
17:30 3D structure of jet-induced Mach cone in an expanding QGP - Zhong Yang (CCNU)  
17:30 A Longitudinally Segmented Hadronic Calorimeter for the Forward Region of the Future ePIC Detector at the Electron-Ion-Collider - Iris Ponce (Yale University)  
17:30 A modular perspective to the jet quenching from a small to large radius in very high transverse momentum jets - Prabhakar Palni (IIT Mandi)  
17:30 A New Horizon - Dielectron measurements with ALICE 3 - Horst Sebastian Scheid (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 A unified picture for dilute-dense dynamics in nuclear medium - Yu Fu (Duke university)  
17:30 Adiabatic hydrodynamization in the bottom-up thermalization scenario - Bruno Sebastian Scheihing Hitschfeld (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
17:30 Advanced coalescence model based on the Wigner function formalism - Chiara Pinto (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
17:30 ALICE as an (anti)hypernuclei factory - Janik Ditzel (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Alignment from spin-1 hydrodynamics - David Wagner (Goethe University Frankfurt)  
17:30 Alignment of the sPHENIX Tracking Detectors - Reese Boucher  
17:30 An Augmented QCD Phase Portrait: Mapping Quark-Hadron Deconfinement for Hot, Dense, Rotating Matter under Magnetic Field - Gaurav Mukherjee (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute)  
17:30 An efficient numerical solver for relativistic hydrodynamics with an implicit Runge-Kutta method - Masakiyo Kitazawa  
17:30 An innovative approach to control volume fluctuations for studies of critical phenomena in nuclear collisions - Anar Rustamov (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)  
17:30 Analysis of the critical fluctuations in the light-nuclei production - Shanjin Wu  
17:30 Analytic and Semi-Analytic Calculations for Color Glass in the Weak Field Limit - Stephen Robicheaux  
17:30 Anisotropic flow measurements of strange and multi-strange hadrons in isobar collisions at RHIC-STAR - Sonia Kabana (Instituto De Alta Investigación, Universidad de Tarapacá (CL))  
17:30 Anomalous kaon correlations in Pb--Pb collisions at the LHC with ALICE - Anjaly Menon  
17:30 Antiproton production cross sections for dark matter search at the AMBER experiment @CERN - Mr Davide Giordano (Università degli Studi di Torino / INFN Torino (IT))  
17:30 Applying the multiplicity-dependent Momentum Kick Model to the pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV at the LHC - Jeongseok Yoon (Inha University (KR))  
17:30 Azimuthal correlations of heavy-flavor decay electrons and charged particles with the ALICE detector - Amanda Nicole Flores (University of Texas at Austin (US))  
17:30 b-hadron v$_2$ and R$_{AA}$ with sPHENIX - Dr Zhaozhong Shi (Los Alamos National Laboratory)  
17:30 b-jet tagging at sPHENIX - Jakub Kvapil (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))  
17:30 Baryon stopping from the bremsstrahlung photon spectrum - Sigurd Nese (University of Oslo (NO))  
17:30 Baryon-Strangeness Correlations in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions from RHIC-STAR Fixed-Target Experiment - Dr Yu Zhang (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 Baseline fluctuation studies for the sPHENIX TPC readout - Luke Legnosky (Stony Brook University)  
17:30 Bulk Viscosity of Hadronic Matter from a Microscopic Transport Model - Nasser Demir (Kuwait University (KW))  
17:30 Calibrated Cosmic Muon simulations for the sPHENIX Hadronic Calorimeters - Shuhang Li  
17:30 Calorimeter Calibrations Methods from RHIC to EIC - Justin Edward Frantz  
17:30 Characterising collectivity with virtual photons at HADES - Niklas Schild  
17:30 Characterising the initial conditions and probing the nuclear structure with multiparticle correlations techniques at ALICE - Emil Gorm Nielsen (University of Copenhagen (DK))  
17:30 Characterization of Static Distortions in the sPHENIX TPC with a Steerable Laser System - Charles Hughes (University of Tennessee (US))  
17:30 Characterization of Time Dependent Distortions in the sPHENIX TPC using the Central Membrane - Benjamin Kimelman (Vanderbilt University)  
17:30 Characterizing Time-Averaged Distortions in the sPHENIX TPC with the TPC Outer Tracker - Bade Saykı (Los Alamos National Laboratory)  
17:30 Charged kaon and pion femtoscopy in the RHIC Beam Energy Scan at the STAR experiment - Eugenia Khyzhniak  
17:30 Charged particle multiplicity distribution in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.36 TeV with ALICE - Hyungjun Lee (Sungkyunkwan University (KR))  
17:30 Charged particle multiplicity distribution in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV with ALICE - Mr Joonsuk Bae (Sungkyunkwan University (KR))  
17:30 Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV with sPHENIX at RHIC - Hao-Ren Jheng (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
17:30 Charm production in various scenarios of the QGP evolution - Valeriya Mykhaylova (University of Wrocław)  
17:30 Charmonium production measurement at midrapidity using TRD-triggered data in ALICE - Jinjoo Seo (Inha University (KR))  
17:30 Chiral critical point via scalar-dilaton coupling in soft-wall AdS/QCD - Sean Bartz (Indiana State University)  
17:30 Clocking the particle production and tracking radial flow effects at top LHC Run 3 energy with ALICE - Brian Gerald Hanley (Wayne State University (US))  
17:30 Clustering hits of Time Projection Chamber by using machine learning and neural networks at sPHENIX - Dr ZHONGLING JI (UCLA)  
17:30 Coalescence production of charmonium states in heavy ion collisions - Sungtae Cho  
17:30 Collision event plane determination in sPHENIX at RHIC - Ejiro Naomi Umaka (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))  
17:30 Color-superconductivity of asymptotically conformal quark matter as a portal between astrophysics and heavy ions collisions - Oleksii Ivanytskyi (University of Wroclaw)  
17:30 Combined Streaming and Triggered data taking with the sPHENIX Detector - Martin Lothar Purschke (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))  
17:30 Conserved number fluctuations under global rotation in a hadron resonance gas model - Gaurav Mukherjee (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Homi Bhabha National Institute)  
17:30 Construction of the sPHENIX Event Plane Detector - Valerie Wolfe (Lehigh University)  
17:30 Correlation of flow coefficients measured in Au+Au collisions at 1.23 AGeV with HADES - Christoph Blume (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Correlations of conserved charges at finite density - Mr Oleh Savchuk (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics and Facility for Rare Isotope Beams)  
17:30 Correlations of net-charge, net-kaon and net-proton in Pb-Pb at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE - Swati Saha (National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) (IN))  
17:30 D and B meson Energy loss and Azimuthal Anisotropy in a Strongly Coupled Plasma in pA collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV - Mr Blessed Arthur Ngwenya  
17:30 Dense matter in a constituent quark model - Aaron Park  
17:30 Determination of total charm production cross-section in pp collisions at 5.02 TeV with the HonexComb project - Jiayin Sun (Universita e INFN, Cagliari)  
17:30 Development of unfolding techniques for dijet measurements in sPHENIX - Micah Meskowitz  
17:30 Dielectron Continuum in p+p Collisions - Dr Roli Esha (Center for Frontiers in Nuclear Science, Stony Brook University)  
17:30 Differential studies of multi-harmonic $v_n$ correlations in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE - Ante Bilandzic (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
17:30 Dilepton anisotropic flow from hadronic transport - Renan Hirayama (FIAS)  
17:30 Dilepton measurements with HADES in $Ag+Ag$ and $p+p$ collisions at $1.58 \, GeV$ beam energy - Karina Scharmann (Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Gießen)  
17:30 Directed and triangular flow of identified hadrons and light nuclei from fixed-target energies at RHIC-STAR - SHARANG RAV SHARMA (IISER Tirupati)  
17:30 Directed Flow of $\Lambda$, $^{3}_{\Lambda}{\rm H}$, and $^{4}_{\Lambda}{\rm H}$ in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV at RHIC - Junyi Han (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 Directed flow of charm and light flavor with initial vorticity in non-central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV from a multiphase transport model - Xinyue Ju  
17:30 Directed Flow of Protons and Anti-Protons in RHIC Beam Energy Scan II - Emilie Duckworth (Kent State University)  
17:30 Distortions in the sPHENIX TPC using Digital Current with Machine Learning - Dhanush Anil Hangal (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))  
17:30 Drell-Yan process at sPHENIX: a golden probe to study Cold Nuclear Matter effects - Mr Charles-Joseph Naïm (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))  
17:30 Dynamics of QCD chiral transition with real-time functional renormalization group - Prof. Soeren Schlichting (Universität Bielefeld)  
17:30 Effect of hydrodynamic fluctuations on mixed harmonic cumulants at the LHC - Koichi Murase (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)  
17:30 Effect of Nuclear Shape Parameters On Initial State Observables In Heavy Ion Collisions - Aman Dimri (Stony Brook University (US))  
17:30 Effects of hadronic reinteraction on jet fragmentation from small to large systems - Mr Hendrik Roch (FIAS)  
17:30 Elliptic flow measurement of $J/\psi$ in PHENIX Run14 Au+Au at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV - Luis Bichon III  
17:30 Elliptic flow splittings in the Polyakov–Nambu–Jona-Lasinio transport model - Wen-Hao Zhou (复旦大学)  
17:30 Empirical Characteristics of Light and Heavy Flavor Parton Energy Loss Dynamics at the LHC and RHIC - THOMAS MARSHALL  
17:30 Energy dependence of J/$\psi$ production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{\mathrm{s_{NN}}}$ = 14.6, 19.6 and 27 GeV at STAR - Wei Zhang  
17:30 Energy flow in jets in pp and Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE - Christos Pliatskas Stylianidis (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))  
17:30 Energy loss and chiral magnetic effect - Jeremy Hansen (Iowa State University)  
17:30 Energy-energy correlator measurements for D$^{0}$-tagged jets in pp collisions at 13 TeV with ALICE. - Beatrice Liang-Gilman (University of California Berkeley (US))  
17:30 Energy-energy correlator measurements in pp and pPb collisions at 5.02 TeV with ALICE - Anjali Nambrath (University of California Berkeley (US))  
17:30 Entanglement entropy measurements from p-p collisions at LHC energies - Alek Hutson (University of Houston (US))  
17:30 Entropy and Multifractality in Hadron-Hadron Collisions at SPS and LHC Energies - Ms Bushra Ali (Aligarh Muslim University (IN))  
17:30 Evaluation of a baseline for the study of azimuthal correlations of charmed mesons in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC using PYTHIA and Herwig++ - Katarzyna Gwizdziel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))  
17:30 Event-by-event comparison of initial state models with momentum space information in a hybrid approach - Niklas Götz  
17:30 Event-by-event local multiplicity fluctuations in charged particle production at the LHC energies with ALICE - Ramni Gupta (University of Jammu (IN))  
17:30 Event-shape engineering of charged hadron spectra in heavy-ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=200$ GeV at STAR - Isaac Mooney  
17:30 Exploring hadronic resonances through EPOS4 model: A study of particle interactions and spectra - Vikash Sumberia (University of Jammu (IN))  
17:30 Exploring heat conductivity at RHIC Beam Energy Scan - Shujun Zhao  
17:30 Exploring light hadrons in UPCs with ALICE - Alexander Bylinkin (ITEP)  
17:30 Exploring neutron stars with three conserved charges in a newly optimized C++ Chiral Mean Field code - Mr Nikolás Cruz Camacho (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)  
17:30 Exploring the equilibration time of the QGP with jet quenching - Mr Souvik Priyam Adhya (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)  
17:30 Exploring the Feasibility of Imaging Atomic Nuclei at the Electron-Ion Collider with the ePIC Experiment - Roy Lacey  
17:30 Exploring the origin of $[p_\mathrm{T}]$ fluctuations in ultra-central heavy ion collisions: Higher order $[p_\mathrm{T}]$ correlations in ATLAS - Somadutta Bhatta (Stony Brook University (US))  
17:30 Exploring the strangeness enhancement and collective-like effects in small collision systems with ALICE at LHC - Anju Bhasin (University of Jammu (IN))  
17:30 Exploring thermoelectric Figure of Merit in QCD medium with conserved charges - He-Xia Zhang  
17:30 Exploring transverse momentum broadening in expanding medium-induced cascades - Mr Souvik Priyam Adhya (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)  
17:30 Extending the fluid dynamic description of heavy-ions collisions to times before the collision - Andreas Kirchner (ITP Heidelberg)  
17:30 Far Forward Calorimetery for the EIC - Yuji Goto (Riken)  
17:30 Feasibility of Spin Interference Gluon Tomography at the EIC with EPIC - Sam Corey  
17:30 Feasibility study of chiral symmetry restoration with ALICE - Keisuke Tomohiro (Hiroshima University (JP))  
17:30 Femtoscopy with Lévy sources - Mate Csanad (Eotvos University, Budapest)  
17:30 Finite volume effects on the chiral magnetic effect - Matteo Buzzegoli  
17:30 First D$^0$-tagged jet axes difference measurement in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE - Emma Yeats  
17:30 First Deuteron Production Measurement in Proton-Proton Interactions at SPS energies by NA61/SHINE - Anirvan Shukla (University of Hawai'i at Manoa (US))  
17:30 First feasibility study for Asymmetric Cumulants of flow amplitudes in CBM at FAIR - Ante Bilandzic (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))  
17:30 First measurement of femtoscopic correlation function between $D^0$ mesons and charged hadrons in Au+Au collisions at ${\sqrt{s_{NN}}}$ = 200 GeV at STAR - Priyanka Roy Chowdhury  
17:30 First measurement of properties of strong interaction between deuterons and light hadrons in Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE - Wioleta Rzesa (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))  
17:30 First Performance results of the sPHENIX Event Plane Detector - Jaebeom Park  
17:30 First results on spectra of identified hadrons in central Xe+La collisions from NA61/SHINE at CERN SPS - Piotr Podlaski (University of Warsaw (PL))  
17:30 Flavor equilibration of the quark-gluon plasma - Andrew Gordeev  
17:30 Flow harmonic measurements up to order 10 in PbPb collisions with CMS - Andi Mankolli (Vanderbilt University (US))  
17:30 Forward Physics with light vector mesons and $\pi^0$ from the PHENIX Experiment - Uttam Acharya (Georgia State University)  
17:30 Generation of magnetic field in relativistic heavy-ion collisions - Patrycja Słoń (National Centre for Nuclear Research)  
17:30 Heavy flavor hadrons inside jets at sPHENIX - Antonio Carlos Oliveira Da Silva (Iowa State University)  
17:30 Heavy flavor phenomenology in Pb+Pb collision with IP-Glasma initial state and Bayesian calibrated hydrodynamics - Dr Manu Kurian (McGill University)  
17:30 Heavy Flavor Physics with MVTX Detectors in sPHENIX - Dr Yasser Corrales Morales (Los Alamos National Laboratory (US))  
17:30 Heavy quarks dynamics in the early stage of high energy nuclear collisions - Prof. Marco Ruggieri (University of Catania)  
17:30 Heavy-ion perspectives and prospects for LHCb upgrades - Imanol Corredoira (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))  
17:30 Helical vortical effect and matter/anti-matter polarization asymmetry - Victor Ambrus  
17:30 Helicity polarization and vorticity contribution to the spin alignment in hydrodynamic approaches - Cong Yi  
17:30 Hybrid Hadronization of Jet Showers in Vacuum with JETSCAPE - Cameron Parker  
17:30 Hydrodynamic initial conditions from non-linear causality - Tau Hoshino (Sophia University)  
17:30 Hydrodynamic theories for a system of classical weakly self-interacting ultra-relativistic scalar particles - Gabriel Soares Rocha  
17:30 Hypernuclei studies in heavy-ion collisions with the CBM experiment at FAIR - Susanne Glaessel  
17:30 Hyperon Polarization in Isobar Collisions and Correlation of Global Polarization with Directed Flow from STAR - Kosuke Okubo  
17:30 Hyperon reconstruction method with machine learning in Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE - Ryoka Tokumoto (Hiroshima University (JP))  
17:30 Hypertriton Production in Au+Au Collisions from $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=7.7$ to $27$ GeV from STAR - Yue Hang Leung (University of Heidelberg)  
17:30 Identifying nuclei with time-of-flight at LHCb - Chiara Lucarelli (Universita e INFN, Firenze (IT))  
17:30 Identifying quenched jets in heavy ion collisions with machine learning - Yilun Wu (Vanderbilt University)  
17:30 Imaging the shape of atomic nuclei in high-energy nuclear collisions from STAR - Chunjian Zhang (Stony Brook University)  
17:30 In-Situ Calibration of the sPHENIX Hadronic Calorimeter using Isolated Single Hadrons - Emma McLaughlin  
17:30 Influence of the latest hadronic resonances from the particle data group on thermal models, lattice QCD comparisons, and SMASH - Jordi Salinas San Martin  
17:30 Insights on small collision systems in terms of hydrodynamics, pre-hydrodynamics, decorrelations, and non-flow - James Lawrence Nagle (University of Colorado Boulder)  
17:30 Interpretable Machine Learning applications to Jet Background Subtraction - Tanner Mengel (University of Tennessee)  
17:30 Investigating charm quark production in and outside of jets using the ALICE detector at the LHC - Josephina Rae Wright (University of Texas at Austin (US))  
17:30 Investigating collective effects in small collision systems using PYTHIA8 and EPOS4 simulations - Andrea Danu (Institute of Space Science (RO))  
17:30 Investigating the $R$-Dependence of Jet Suppression - Ms Zihui Zhang (Colby College)  
17:30 Investigation of initial state effects in p+Pb collisions at ATLAS via measurement of centrality dependence of dijet yields - Riccardo Longo (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))  
17:30 Investigation of the Inner Structure of Glueball Candidate Scalar Mesons with the ALICE Detector - Satoshi Yano (Hiroshima University (JP))  
17:30 Jet Calibration for Year 1 Data in sPHENIX - Virginia Bailey (Georgia State University)  
17:30 Jet momentum broadening during initial stages in kinetic theory - Florian Lindenbauer (TU Wien)  
17:30 Jet Substructure from Calorimeter Towers for Early sPHENIX Measurements - Noah Applegate (Iowa State University)  
17:30 Light Nuclei Production in Au+Au Collisions at √sNN = 14.6 and 19.6 GeV from RHIC BES-II - Yixuan Jin (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 MC-EKRT event generator for initializing 3+1 D hydrodynamics - Mikko Kuha (University of Jyväskylä)  
17:30 Mean $p_{\rm{T}}$ fluctuations in 3.0 GeV fixed-target collisions from the STAR experiment - Rutik Manikandhan (University of Houston)  
17:30 Measurement of $\Xi_{\rm c}^0$ production as a function of multiplicity via hadron decay in pp collisions at $\mathbf{\sqrt{\textit s}}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE - Tao Fang (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))  
17:30 Measurement of $\mathrm{\Lambda_c^+/D^0}$ as a function of event multiplicity in pp and p–Pb collisions $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=5.02\ \mathrm{TeV}$ with the ALICE experiment - Oveis Sheibani (University of Houston (US))  
17:30 Measurement of $\mathrm{D^0-{\bar{D}} ^{0}}$ azimuthal correlations and femtoscopic correlations of D mesons with identified hadrons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV at STAR - Katarzyna Gwizdziel (Warsaw University of Technology (PL))  
17:30 Measurement of $\omega$ meson production in pp and p--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}=5.02~$TeV with ALICE - Nicolas Strangmann (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Measurement of $\rm D^{0}$ Meson Tagged Jets in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 200$ GeV at STAR - Mr Diptanil Roy (Rutgers University)  
17:30 Measurement of $\Xi_{c}^{0}$ via semileptonic decay in collisions of pp at 13 TeV and p-Pb at 5.02 TeV with ALICE - Chong Kim (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Measurement of $J/\psi$ polarization in Ru+Ru and Zr+Zr collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV at STAR - Dandan Shen (Shandong University)  
17:30 Measurement of $K_{s}^{0}-K_{s}^{0}$ correlation function in Au+Au collisions at the high baryon density region - Mr Li'Ang Zhang (Central ChinaNormal University (CCNU))  
17:30 Measurement of directed flow of inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC - Dr Subhash Singha (Institute of Modern Physics CAS)  
17:30 Measurement of heavy-flavor electron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 54.4 GeV at STAR - Mrs Veronika Prozorova (Czech Technical University in Prague)  
17:30 Measurement of light neutral meson production inside jets in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE - Joshua Leon Konig (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Measurement of non-prompt D-mesons production in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV using Machine Learning (ML) techniques with ALICE - Renu Bala (University of Jammu (IN))  
17:30 Measurement of the $\Upsilon$ production in heavy-ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR detector - Shuai Yang (South China Normal University)  
17:30 Measurement of the mass spectrum of vector mesons in nuclei at J-PARC - Tomoki Murakami  
17:30 Measurement of the multiplicity dependence of $\Upsilon$ meson production in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV - Jakub Ceska  
17:30 Measurement of the transverse momentum($j_\mathrm{T}$) distributions of charged-particle jet fragments in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 TeV with ALICE - Jaehyeok Ryu (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Measurements of $\Omega$ and $\bar{\Omega}$ production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment - Xiongxiong Xu  
17:30 Measurements of $\pi$, K, and p in jets in Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV with ALICE - Sierra Lisa Weyhmiller (Yale University (US))  
17:30 Measurements of (anti)nuclei in pp collision at √s = 13.6 TeV - Giovanni Malfattore (University of Bologna and INFN, Bologna (IT))  
17:30 Measurements of azimuthal anisotropy of charged particles in Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS detector - Xiaoning Wang (Univ. Illinois at Urbana Champaign (US))  
17:30 Measurements of baryon-antibaryon and meson-antimeson pairs from QED vacuum excitation in Au+Au ultra-peripheral collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}} = $ 200 GeV from STAR - Xin Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)  
17:30 Measurements of harmonic flow and their fluctuations in $^{16}$O+$^{16}$O collisions at $\sqrt{s_{_{\mathrm{NN}}}}=200$ GeV from STAR - Zhengxi Yan  
17:30 Measurements of Hypernuclei Production and Their Properties in Heavy-Ion Collisions at STAR - Xiujun Li (USTC)  
17:30 Measurements of inclusive J/$\psi$ and $\psi$(2S) production at midrapidity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13.6 TeV with ALICE - Yuan Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China (CN))  
17:30 Measurements of jet $v_{2}$ in medium-sized systems at STAR - Tristan Protzman (Lehigh University)  
17:30 Measurements of long-range two-particle correlation over a wide pseudorapidity range in p--Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV - Yuko Sekiguchi (University of Tokyo (JP))  
17:30 Measurements of neutral pions and direct photons in 3He+Au collisions - Daniel Firak  
17:30 Measurements of proton-$\Lambda$ and proton-$\Xi^-$ Correlation Functions in Au+Au Collisions from STAR Fixed-Target Experiment - Jing An (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 Measurements of two-pion femtoscopy in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 3.0, 3.2, 3.5, and 3.9 GeV from RHIC-STAR - Youquan Qi  
17:30 Measurements of π, K, p spectra in fixed target collisions with STAR - Mathias Labonte  
17:30 Measurements of φ production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 27 , 19.6 , 14.6 and 7.7 GeV with STAR - Weiguang Yuan (清华大学)  
17:30 Measuring the Global Spin Alignment of Vector Mesons in Heavy Ion Collisions by STAR - C.W. Robertson (Purdue University)  
17:30 Measurment of Two-Point Energy Correlator Within Jets in $pp$ Collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV - Andrew Tamis (Yale University)  
17:30 Medium response made efficient: a linearized hydro approach - Xiaojun Yao (University of Washington)  
17:30 Model study on bottomonia modification in small collision systems - Sanghoon Lim (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Molecular dynamics analysis of particle number fluctuations of a first-order phase transition - Mr Volodymyr Kuznietsov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)  
17:30 Momentum shell and rapid stiffening in Quarkyonic matter from explicit duality - Yuki Fujimoto (University of Washington)  
17:30 Momentum transport coefficients with chiral dependent quark masses in thermal QCD medium - Ms Pushpa Panday  
17:30 Multi-differential Studies of Strangeness Production with the CBM at FAIR using Machine Learning Techniques - Axel Puntke (WWU Münster)  
17:30 Multi-parton interactions in pp collisions using charged-particle flattenicity with ALICE - Antonio Ortiz Velasquez (Universidad Nacional Autonoma (MX))  
17:30 Multiplicity dependence of $\Upsilon$ and $J/\psi$ production in $p$+$p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 510 GeV - Prof. Anders Garritt Knospe (Lehigh University)  
17:30 Multiplicity dependence of $\Xi_\mathrm{c}^{+}$ baryon production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE - Jaeyoon Cho (Inha University (KR))  
17:30 Multiplicity dependent $\pi$, k, p production in pp collisions at 13.6 TeV using ALICE TPC and TOF detectors - Banajit Barman (Gauhati University (IN))  
17:30 Neutral Pion and Eta Meson Reconstruction with the sPHENIX Detector - Anthony Hodges  
17:30 Neutral pion and η meson production at midrapidity in Au+Au collisions at √sN N = 200 GeV - Dading Chen  
17:30 New constraints on 3D initial state and transport parameters of QGP using the Beam Energy Scan phase II data of STAR - Dr Niseem Magdy Abdelrahman (Stony Brook University)  
17:30 New Insights to the Weak Interaction and Quark Model - Dr. Tianxi Zhang  
17:30 New measurements of jet $v_2$ properties with ALICE - Takuya Kumaoka (University of Tsukuba (JP))  
17:30 Non-Identicle particle femtoscopy in Au+Au collisions at 200 GeV using UrQMD modeled with CRAB - MAHIMA SHARMA (University of Jammu)  
17:30 Non-interdependent Collective Motions in Heavy-ion Collisions - Gang Wang (UCLA)  
17:30 Non-perturbative Quarkonium Dissociation Rates in the QGP - Biaogang Wu (Texas A&M University)  
17:30 Non-prompt ${\rm J/\psi}$ production as a function of multiplicity in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with ALICE - Wenda Guo (Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))  
17:30 Observation of $\pi^+\pi^-\pi^+\pi^-$ photoproduction in ultraperipheral heavy-ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV at the STAR detector - Dr David Tlusty (Creighton University)  
17:30 Observation of a mesoscopic fluid of 10 strongly-interacting fermions - Giuliano Giacalone (Universität Heidelberg)  
17:30 Observation of the $\gamma\gamma\to\tau\tau$ production in PbPb collisions with the CMS experiment - Matthew Nickel (The University of Kansas (US))  
17:30 On the gravitational wave emission in the magnetic field of a heavy-ion collision - Piotr Gasik (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))  
17:30 Particle Identification with the ePIC detector at the EIC - Oskar Hartbrich (Oak Ridge National Lab)  
17:30 Particle multiplicity dependent Charmonia production in $p+p$ collisions by the PHENIX experiment - JongHo Oh (Pusan National University)  
17:30 Partonic Critical Opalescence and Its Impact on the Jet Quenching Parameter $\hat{q}$} - Jing Wu (lanzhou university)  
17:30 Performance study of the exclusively reconstructed  $B^\pm$ meson in the  $J/\psi$ decay channel with ALICE - Ida Storehaug (University of Oslo (NO))  
17:30 PHENIX measurements of identified charged hadron production in $p$+Al, $p$+Au, and Cu+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV - Sanghoon Lim (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Photon radiation by rotating systems in magnetic field. - Nandagopal Vijayakumar  
17:30 Photoproduction of e$^{+}$e$^{-}$ in peripheral isobar collisions - Shuo Lin  
17:30 Physics prospects of central exclusive production in pp collisions with ALICE Run 3 data - Minjung Kim (University of California Berkeley (US))  
17:30 PNJL equation of state with off-shell mesonic excitations - Konstantin Maslov (University of Houston)  
17:30 Polarization of vector mesons in non-equilibrium hydrodynamics with spin - Kayman Gonçalves  
17:30 Precision jet substructure studies for the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider with the sPHENIX detector - Oleh Fedkevych (Georgia State University)  
17:30 Probing particle production and transport at top LHC Run 3 energy with ALICE - Victor Gonzalez (Wayne State University (US))  
17:30 Probing parton shower and hadronization with novel jet substructure measurements at STAR - Youqi Song  
17:30 Probing the effect of the nonextensivity on the transport properties of hot QCD medium at finite magnetic field and chemical potential - Shubhalaxmi Rath (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)  
17:30 Probing the QGP to Hadron-Gas Phase Transition with Charge, Strange, and Baryon Balance Functions - Prof. Claude Andre Pruneau (Wayne State University (US))  
17:30 Probing the QGP to hadron-gas phase transition with mean transverse momentum fluctuations with ALICE - Ms Bushra Ali (Aligarh Muslim University (IN))  
17:30 Probing viscous effects with identified particles in pp, p—Pb and Pb—Pb collisions - Sumit Basu (Lund University (SE))  
17:30 Production of $\Sigma$ baryons as a function of multiplicity in pp collisions at the LHC with ALICE - Benedict Heybeck (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Production of light flavor particles as a function of the Underlying Event activity in small and large collision systems with ALICE - Omar Vazquez Rueda (University of Houston (US))  
17:30 Production of pion, kaon, proton in high multiplicity pp collisions at 13 TeV at ALICE experiment - Rajendra Nath Patra (University of Jammu (IN))  
17:30 Projected 3-point Energy Correlator measurements in jets in p-p at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 13TeV with ALICE - Ananya Rai (Yale University (US))  
17:30 Prospects for light (anti)nuclei measurements in jets in Run 3 with ALICE - Marika Rasa (University and INFN Catania)  
17:30 Prospects for open heavy-flavour and quarkonium measurements with NA60+ - Roberta Arnaldi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))  
17:30 Proton-Endcap Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the ePIC Experiment at Electron-Ion Collider - Dr ZHONGLING JI (UCLA)  
17:30 Proton-proton femstoscopy in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3.2 GeV - Yu Zeng (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 Pseudorapidity densities of charged particles with transverse momentum thresholds in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 and 13 TeV with ALICE - Jeongsu Bok (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 QCD mesonic screening masses using Gribov quantization - Mr SUMIT N/A (IIT Roorkee)  
17:30 Quantifying the underlying event for jet measurements with sPHENIX - MUHAMMAD Shumail Khan  
17:30 Quantum Regeneration of Bottomonia in Heavy Ion Collisions - Peter Vander Griend  
17:30 Quarkonia measurements in heavy ion collisions with the sPHENIX experiment - Alexandre Lebedev (Iowa State University (US))  
17:30 Quarkonium polarization in a vortical medium - Paulo De Moura (University of Campinas)  
17:30 Quarkonium production and polarization in pp collisions with ALICE - Deekshit Kumar (Department of Atomic Energy (IN))  
17:30 Reconstructing Jet History with Machine Learning - Arjun Sengupta  
17:30 Repulsive $\Lambda$ potential at high densities examined from heavy-ion collision and hypernuclear data - Asanosuke Jinno  
17:30 Results on Breit-Wheeler Process in Heavy-Ion Collisions and its Application to Nuclear Charge Radius Measurements - Xiaofeng Wang (Shandong University)  
17:30 Revisiting Initial Condition Modeling of Heavy Ion Collisions with Bayesian Parameter Estimation Using the latest RHIC and LHC data - Maxim Virta (University of Jyväskylä)  
17:30 Search for medium-induced jet quenching effects in high-multiplicity pp collisions with ALICE - Dong Jo Kim (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))  
17:30 Search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect by Event Shape Engineering as a Function of Invariant Mass in Au+Au Collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV from STAR - Han-Sheng Li  
17:30 Self-consistent spectral properties of quarks and mesons in a chiral quark model - Hitansh Shah  
17:30 Shear Viscosity at High Chemical Potentials - Ms Isabella Danhoni  
17:30 Simulation studies of the pair spectrometer luminosity detector for the ePIC experiment at the EIC - Aranya Giri (University of Houston)  
17:30 sPHENIX DAQ and Trigger - Daniel Lis  
17:30 sPHENIX Hadronic Calorimeter Cosmic Muon Calibration - Hanpu Jiang (Columbia University)  
17:30 sPHENIX MVTX Pixel Detector Internal Alignment with AI-ML Approach - Jaehyun Kim (Yonsei University (KR))  
17:30 Spin alignment of vector mesons by glasma fields - Di-Lun Yang (Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica)  
17:30 Spontaneous Transverse Λ and Λ Hyperon Polarization Measurements at LHC - Cynthia Nunez (University of Michigan (US))  
17:30 Statistical Hadronization Model Calculations of Heavy Flavor Hadron Production in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions at RHIC and the LHC - Fernando Flor (Yale University)  
17:30 Status of the Analyses for the Proton Higher-Order Fluctuations in the STAR Fixed-Target Program from $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 3.2 to 7.7 GeV - Zachary Sweger (University of California, Davis)  
17:30 Strange hadron production in d+Au collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV using the STAR detector - Ishu Aggarwal  
17:30 Strange hadron production in pp collisions with Run 3 data - Chiara De Martin (Universita e INFN Trieste (IT))  
17:30 Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7, 14.6 and 19.6 GeV with the STAR experiment - Yi Fang  
17:30 Strangeness production in Au+Au collisions at √sNN = 14.6 GeV using AMPT and UrQMD model - Ms Pratibha Bhagat (University of Jammu)  
17:30 Strangeness Production in Fixed-Target Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 7.2 GeV from STAR - Ashish Jalotra (University of Jammu)  
17:30 Structure in the speed of sound: from neutron stars to heavy-ion collisions - Nanxi Yao (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)  
17:30 Study for the high-density matter at J-PARC Heavy-Ion Project - Dr Yuhei Morino (KEK)  
17:30 Study of $K_{1}$ meson production in $pp$ collisions with ALICE - Su-Jeong Ji (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Study of baryon fragmentation in charged-particle jets in pp collisions with ALICE - Gijs Van Weelden (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))  
17:30 Study of Baryon Number Transport via $\Omega$-hadron Correlations - XIATONG WU (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA)  
17:30 Study of multiplicity-dependent ρ0(770) production in pp collisions with ALICE - Hyunji Lim (Pusan National University (KR))  
17:30 Study of strangeness and baryon production through angular correlations between Xi baryons and identified hadrons in pp collisions with ALICE - Peter Christiansen (Lund University (SE))  
17:30 Study of the three-body dynamics at short range via deuteron-hadron correlations by ALICE - Oton Vazquez Doce (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))  
17:30 Studying magnetic fields in heavy-ion collisions using net-proton fluctuations with ALICE - Ilya Fokin (Heidelberg University (DE))  
17:30 Studying the nucleus via angular correlations in UPCs with ALICE - Andrea Giovanni Riffero (University and INFN Torino (IT))  
17:30 SUBA-Jet: a new coherent jet energy loss model for heavy-ion collisions - Dr Iurii Karpenko (FNSPE CTU in Prague)  
17:30 Suppression and flavor correlation modification of leading di-hadron at RHIC and the LHC - Dr Yang-Ting Chien (Georgia State University)  
17:30 Systematic study of energy loss in the QGP for various collision systems at PHENIX - Takashi Hachiya (Nara Women's University (JP))  
17:30 Systematics of Hidden and Open Strangeness Production in Few GeV Heavy Ion Collisions - Marvin Kohls  
17:30 Target jet substructure and correlation - Dr Yang-Ting Chien (Georgia State University)  
17:30 Testing inputs to hydro codes with factorization breaking - Frederique Grassi  
17:30 Testing new proxies of B,Q and S cumulants in Au-Au collisions at BES energies with EPOS 4 - Dr Johannès Jahan (University of Houston - Department of Physics)  
17:30 The direct photon puzzle and the weak magnetic photon emission - Jing-an Sun (Fudan University) Li Yan (Fudan University)  
17:30 The effects of hydrodynamic causality conditions on Bayesian analysis - Thiago Siqueira Domingues (University of São Paulo)  
17:30 The effects of magnetic field and chemical potential on holographic jet quenching in heavy ion collisions - Mr Liqiang Zhu (Central China Normal University)  
17:30 The elliptic flow of ${\pi}^{\pm}$, ${K}^{\pm}$, $p$ , and $\bar{p}$ in Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 and 9.2 GeV from STAR - Xing Wu  
17:30 The elliptic flow of (multi-)strange hadrons in Au + Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 and 9.2 GeV from STAR - Guoping Wang  
17:30 The evolution of jets and high-pT probes in small collisions systems using a multistage framework - Abhijit Majumder (Wayne State University)  
17:30 The freezeout procedure with the method of moments - Caio Brito (Universidade Federal Fluminense)  
17:30 The McDIPPER: A novel saturation-based 3+1D initial state model for Heavy Ion Collisions - Oscar Garcia-Montero  
17:30 The most vortical baryonic matter - Zachary Akridge (Indiana University)  
17:30 The shear viscosity of parton matter under two-body scatterings - Zi-Wei Lin (East Carolina University)  
17:30 The Silicon Tracking System of the CBM experiment towards starting system assembly - Adrian Rodriguez  
17:30 The Silicon Vertex Tracker (SVT): a MAPS based tracker for the ePIC Detector at the Electron-Ion Collider - Nicole Apadula (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))  
17:30 The sPHENIX fixed latency reconstruction system - Christopher Pinkenburg (BNL)  
17:30 The study of $v_{2}$ with a new double-differential event categorization using multiplicity and spectator neutrons in PHENIX - Dr Maya Shimomura (Nara Women's University (JP))  
17:30 The Tsallis-Thermometer as a QGP Indicator For Large And Small Collisional Systems - Gergely Barnafoldi (Wigner RCP)  
17:30 The universality of energy-momentum response from kinetic theories & applicability of hydrodynamics - Stephan Ochsenfeld (Bielefeld University)  
17:30 Thermal dielectron measurement in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\text{NN}}}$ $=7.7$ GeV with the STAR experiment - Chenliang Jin  
17:30 Topological separation of dielectron signals using machine learning in Pb--Pb collisions with ALICE - Jerome Jung (Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))  
17:30 Topology and entanglement in the baryon structure at small x. - David Frenklakh (Stony Brook University)  
17:30 Track Reconstruction with the sPHENIX Experiment - Joe Osborn (Brookhaven National Laboratory)  
17:30 Track Seeding in the sPHENIX Experiment - Michael Joseph Peters (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))  
17:30 Tracking the dynamics of system geometry using an hybrid-hydrodynamic simulation - Kevin Pala  
17:30 Transport coefficients of heavy quarkonia comparing with heavy quark coefficients - Juhee Hong (Yonsei University)  
17:30 Two-particle azimuthal correlations in events with large rapidity gaps in pPb collisions recorded by CMS at 8.16 TeV - Moises David Leon Coello (Universidad de Sonora (MX))  
17:30 Understanding effect of event-by-event fluctuations on light-nuclei yield ratio - Koichi Murase (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)  
17:30 Understanding Ridge behavior via kinematics between jets and medium - Soyeon Cho (Inha University (KR))  
17:30 Universality of quark/gluon energy loss using Bayesian inference - Alexandre Falcão (University of Bergen)  
17:30 Using multi-particle correlations to estimate fluctuations in jet and rare probe azimuthal anisotropies - Abraham Holtermann (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)  
17:30 Vertex Determination in sPHENIX - Anthony Frawley  
13:00 --- Lunch ---
Chirality - huan huang (until 16:00) (Ballroom A)
14:20 Exact Polarization of Particles of Any Spin at Global Equilibrium - Andrea Palermo  
14:40 Sphaleron damping and effects on normal and anomalous charge transport in high-temperature QCD plasmas - Lillian de Bruin  
15:00 Flow and hyperon polarization at RHIC BES from multi-fluid dynamics - Dr Iurii Karpenko (FNSPE CTU in Prague)  
15:20 Impact of globally spin-aligned vector mesons on the search for the chiral magnetic effect in heavy-ion collisions - Diyu Shen  
15:40 Post-blind Analysis of Isobar Collisions and Background-controlled Upper Limit on the Chiral Magnetic Effect from STAR - Mr Yicheng Feng (Purdue University)  
Critical Point - Daniel Cebra (University of California, Davis) (until 16:00) (Ballroom C)
14:20 Universal cumulants from fluctuating width of rapidity distributions - Prof. Adam Bzdak (AGH University of Science and Technology)  
14:40 Fluctuations near the liquid-gas and chiral phase transitions in hadronic matter - Michał Marczenko (University of Wrocław)  
15:00 Effects of first-order chiral phase transition in relativistic heavy-ion collisions - Dr KaiJia Sun (Institute of Modern Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China)  
15:20 Exploring the Critical Points in QCD with Multi-Point Pade and Machine Learning Techniques in (2+1)-flavor QCD - Jishnu Goswami (Bielefeld University)  
15:40 Extracting the speed of sound in the strongly-interacting matter created in relativistic nuclear collisions with the CMS experiment - Cesar Bernardes (UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))  
EM Probes - Raimond Snellings (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)) (until 16:00) (Ballroom D)
14:20 Fate of the $\rho$ - $a_1$ mixing in dilepton production - Azumi Sakai  
14:40 Pre-equilibrium Photon and Dilepton Production - Philip Plaschke (Bielefeld University)  
15:00 Electromagnetic probes for critical fluctuations of phase transitions in dense QCD - Toru Nishimura  
15:20 Inverse slope of the photon $p_T$ spectrum and the QGP temperature profile - Jean-Francois Paquet (Vanderbilt University)  
15:40 Understanding the properties of the fireball with the polarization signature of thermal dileptons - Florian Seck  
Initial State - Sangyong Jeon (until 16:00) (Ballroom B)
14:20 Determination of the neutron skin of Pb-208 from ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions - Govert Nijs (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
14:40 Search for evidence of the baryon junction in photonuclear processes and heavy-ion collisions at STAR - Chun Yuen Tsang (Kent State University)  
15:00 Measurement of dijet production in UPC with the ATLAS detector - Benjamin Jacob Gilbert (Columbia University (US))  
15:20 Thermalization and quark production in spatially homogeneous system of gluons - Sergio Barrera Cabodevila (Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE))  
15:40 Multi-scale Imaging of Nuclear and Proton Geometries - Wenbin Zhao (Wayne State University)  
QCD at finite T and density - Szabolcs Istvan Borsanyi (until 16:00) (Ballroom F)
14:20 Finite volume effects near the chiral crossover - Ruben Kara  
14:40 QCD material parameters at zero and non-zero chemical potential from the lattice - David Clarke  
15:00 Influence of baryon number, strangeness, and electric charge fluctuations on spectra and collective flow at the LHC - Dekrayat Almaalol (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)  
15:20 Interferometry in a Moat Regime - Fabian Rennecke  
15:40 Global angular momentum generation in heavy-ion reactions within a hadronic transport approach - Nils Sass  
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Heavy Flavor - Elena Gonzalez Ferreiro (until 18:10) (Ballroom D)
16:30 Measurements of prompt and nonprompt $\mathrm{D}^{0}$ mesons production and collective flow with CMS at 5.02 TeV - Milan Stojanovic (Purdue University (US))  
16:50 Heavy-flavor jet substructure for probing the flavour dependences of QCD parton showers with ALICE - Nima Zardoshti (CERN)  
17:10 Studies of the relative suppression of excited quarkonium states in pPb collisions with CMS - Ota Kukral (University of California Davis (US))  
17:30 T-matrix Analysis of Static Wilson Line Correlators from Lattice QCD at Finite Temperature - Zhanduo Tang  
17:50 Quarkonium transport in weakly and strongly coupled plasmas - Bruno Sebastian Scheihing Hitschfeld (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)  
Initial State - Yen-Jie Lee (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 18:10) (Ballroom B)
16:30 Event-by-event pre-equilibrium dynamics with conserved charges - Dr Travis Dore (Universität Bielefeld)  
16:50 Assessing the deformed nuclear structure at various energy scales - Pragya Singh  
17:10 Exploring electromagnetic field effects and constraining transport parameters of QGP using STAR BES II data - ADITYA PRASAD DASH (University of California Los Angeles)  
17:30 Pursuing the Precision Study for Color Glass Condensate in Forward Hadron Productions - Dr Yu Shi (Shandong University)  
17:50 Probing initial state effects in nuclear collisions via jet and top quark measurements with the ATLAS detector - Patrycja Anna Potepa (AGH University of Krakow (PL))  
New Theory - Peter Levai (Wigner Research Centre for Physics (Wigner RCP) (HU)) (until 18:10) (Ballroom A)
16:30 Studying exotic hadrons in high energy nuclear collisions - Jinfeng Liao  
16:50 Far-off-equilibrium early-stage dynamics in high-energy nuclear collisions - Chandrodoy Chattopadhyay (North Carolina State University)  
17:10 Charge-dependent anisotropic flow in relativistic resistive magneto-hydrodynamic expansion - Chiho Nonaka  
17:30 Isotropization of a longitudinally expanding plasma with the 2PI effective action - Sigtryggur Hauksson (IPhT - CEA)  
17:50 The Black Hole CGC double copy: Computing gravitational radiation in close hyperbolic encounters of primordial Black Holes - Dr Raju Venugopalan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)  
QCD at finite T and density - Volker Koch (until 18:10) (Ballroom F)
16:30 Two-particle femtoscopy at the HADES experiment - Mateusz Grunwald (Warsaw Universty of Technology)  
16:50 Measurements of $\it p$-$\Lambda$ and $\it d$-$\Lambda$ correlations in Au+Au collisions from the fixed-target program at the STAR experiment - Yu Hu  
17:10 Microscopic encoding of macroscopic universality: How do the universal behaviors near the QCD transition arise from quarks and gluons? - Dr Peter Petreczky (BNL)  
17:30 Equilibrium and Dynamical Properties of Hot and Dense Quark-Gluon matter from Holographic Black Holes - Joaquin Grefa  
17:50 Temperature and Strong Magnetic Field Effects in Dense Matter - Prof. Veronica Dexheimer (Kent State Universtity)  
Small Systems - Gunther Roland (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US)) (until 18:10) (Ballroom C)
16:30 Multiplicity Dependence of Strange Hadron Production in Small Systems using the STAR detector - Ishu Aggarwal  
16:50 Latest ALICE results on charm and beauty hadronization mechanisms in pp collisions (remote) - Jianhui Zhu (INFN-Padova)  
17:10 ATLAS measurement of mean momentum fluctuations and correlations with the flow in pp, Xe-Xe, and Pb-Pb - Tomasz Bold (AGH Univ. of Science and Technology, Krakow (PL))  
17:30 Insights on strange quark hadronization measuring (multi)strange hadron production in small collision systems with ALICE - Sara Pucillo (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))  
17:50 Measurement of the sensitivity of two-particle correlations in pp collisions to the presence of hard scatterings - Soumya Mohapatra (Columbia University (US))  
19:30 --- Houston Ballet Performance ---
12:30 --- Boxed Lunch ---
Excursion to NASA (until 18:00)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Plenary Session - Christine Nattrass (University of Tennessee (US)) (until 16:00)
14:00 Jet modifications - experimental overview - Laura Brittany Havener (Yale University (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
14:30 Medium response to jets - experimental overview - Yeonju Go (University of Colorado Boulder (US))   (Ballroom of the Americas)
15:00 Jet modifications and medium response - theoretical overview - Daniel Pablos (INFN Torino)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
15:30 Open heavy flavor - experimental overview - Fabrizio Grosa (CERN)   (Ballrom of the Americas)
16:00 --- Coffee Break ---
Plenary Session - Roberta Arnaldi (Universita e INFN Torino (IT)) (until 17:30)
16:30 Quarkonium - experimental overview - Andre Govinda Stahl Leiton (CERN)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
17:00 Open heavy flavor and quarkonium - theoretical overview - Miguel Angel Escobedo Espinosa   (Ballroom of the Americas)
Banquet Dinner (until 22:30) (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:00 Zimanyi Medal Award   (Ballroom of the Americas )
12:15 QM 2025 Presentation - Dirk Rischke (University Frankfurt)   (Ballroom of the Americas)
12:35 Closing Remarks   (Ballroom of the Americas)