QCD at finite T and density: (1)
- Berndt Mueller
QCD at finite T and density: (2)
- Szabolcs Istvan Borsanyi
QCD at finite T and density: (3)
- Volker Koch
Sixth and higher order fluctuations of the baryon number are linked
to signals of criticality in heavy ion collisions. The grand canonical
result for these can be obtained from lattice simulations. The
extrapolation to the continuum limit is essential for phenomenologically
relevant results. In fact, higher order coefficients of the Taylor
expansion of the QCD free energy appear to be...
Our study presents a family of Equations of State (EoS) that enable hydrodynamical simulations at unprecedentedly large baryon chemical potential ($\mu_B$) and finite temperature ($T$), thus helping to constrain the critical point's location by comparing it to experimental data from the Second Beam Energy Scan.
In Ref. [1], a family of equations of state was constructed by combining Taylor...
This talk will present the Bayesian inference approach for quantitatively characterizing the 3D dynamics of heavy-ion collisions and the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) properties in the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program. To model the dynamics of the collisions from 7.7 to 200 GeV, we employ a (3+1)D dynamical initialization model coupled with the relativistic viscous hydrodynamics + hadronic...
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory of strong interactions, predicts that at sufficiently high temperature and/or high energy density, normal nuclear matter converts into a deconfined state of quarks and gluons, known as the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). To investigate the phase diagram of the QCD matter, the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) started the first phase of the Beam Energy...
The equation of state of the quark gluon plasma is a key ingredient of heavy ion phenomenology. In addition to the traditional Taylor method, several novel approximation schemes have been proposed with the aim of calculating it at finite baryon density. In order to gain a pragmatic understanding of the limits of these schemes, we compare them to direct results at $\mu >0$, using reweighting...
The equation of state of Quantum Chromodynamics has been in recent
years the focus of intense effort from first principle methods,
mostly lattice simulations, with particular interest to the finite
baryon density regime. Because of the sign problem, various
extrapolation methods have been used to reconstruct bulk properties
of the theory up to as far as $\mu_B/T \simeq 3.5$. However,...
Heavy quarks are produced in the early stages of the ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions and probe the produced hot medium created in these collisions through its entire evolution. The kinetic thermalization of heavy quarks can be characterized by the heavy quark diffusion coefficient. In this talk we report the first determination of the heavy diffusion coefficient in 2+1 flavor lattice...
The effect of a finite volume presents itself both in heavy ion
experiments as well as in recent model calculations. The magnitude is
sensitive to the proximity of a nearby critical point.
We calculate the finite volume effects at finite temperature in continuum
QCD using lattice simulations. We focus on the vicinity of the chiral
We investigate the impact of finite volumes on...
Using an eighth-order Taylor expansion in baryon chemical potential, we recently obtained the (2+1)-flavor QCD equation of state (EoS) at non-zero conserved charge chemical potentials from the lattice. We focused on strangeness-neutral, isospin-symmetric QCD matter, which closely resembles the situation encountered in heavy-ion collision experiments. Using this EoS, we present here results on...
At LHC energies it is possible to generate BSQ (baryon, strangeness, and electric) charge density fluctuations from gluon splittings into quark anti-quark pairs, generated within the ICCING model. This creates an opportunity to implement and quantify the BSQ charge dynamics in the very well controlled regime of heavy ion collisions simulations. In this work, we implement BSQ charge dynamics in...
The QCD phase diagram at large chemical potential is largely uncharted territory. Based on model studies, there are various phases that could occur in this regime. Among them are phases related to spatial modulations, such as inhomogeneous/crystalline phases, liquid crystals or a quantum pion liquid. A common feature of all these phases is that particles can have a moat dispersion, where the...
In 2017, the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has measured finite global angular momentum in heavy-ion collisions through a spin polarization measurement of $\Lambda$ hyperons. This measurement revealed a high angular momentum of the heavy ions and provided experimental evidence for vorticity in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) for the first time. In order to...
Over the past decades, the properties of dense matter have been widely concerned in connection with hypernuclei and hyperons. Their existence inside neutron stars softens the Equation of State (EoS), consequently limiting their masses to be lower than two solar masses (known as the "hyperon puzzle"). The limited number of experimental references in the region of high baryon chemical potential...
Heavy-ion collisions offer a new way to understand nucleon-hyperon (N-Y) interactions. The two-particle correlation, which reveals valuable information about the space-time evolution of the particle-emitting source and final state interactions involving hyperons, is the primary observable of interest. The measurements of $\it p$-$\Lambda$ and $\it d$-$\Lambda$ correlations can shed light on...
The core goal of heavy-ion collision experiments is to shed light on how the phases and properties of strong-interaction matter arise from the fundamental constituents and interactions of Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). To this end, heavy-ion collision experiments are searching for universal signs of criticality in the QCD phase diagram by measuring various macroscopic quantities. When those...
By using the gravity/gauge correspondence, we employ an Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton model to compute the equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of a hot and baryon-rich strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma. The family of 5-dimensional holographic black holes, constrained to mimic the lattice QCD equation of state at zero density, is used to investigate the temperature and baryon chemical...
We study consistently the effects of magnetic field on hot and dense matter. In particular, we look for differences that arise due to assumptions that reproduce the conditions produced in particle collisions or astrophysical scenarios, such as in the core of fully evolved neutron stars. We assume the magnetic field to be either constant or follow a profile extracted from general relativity...