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Corrado Gargiulo
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    • 16:00 16:45
      General Updates 45m

      Group contribution: CERN, Utrecht University, Wigner RCP, BME, UPM

      Speakers: Massimo Angeletti (CERN), Rene Barthel (Utrecht University), Akos Sudar (Wigner RCP (HU)), Aitor Amatriain Carballo (Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES)), Corrado Gargiulo (CERN), Anna Feher (BME)
      • Anna presentation:

      metal foam which one?aluminum foam.

      the porois size is affecting the measurement?there is the effect of porosity, is hardto exclude from the measurement. we know to know it, we try to exclude it but  it not invevitable.

      there is a dependency with the thickness? what are the next step to asses this dependency. we have several rock thickness and we will measure more. it is not coming from the test setup but coming from the item itslef.

      cern can provide different thickness foam to check.


      • Gael presentation

      dedicated air cooling for each layer,

      • rene presentation

      instead of putting the frame of silicon, putting a frame of kapton on the silicon it could help.

      priortiy on the BBM, and add the distributuing lines of gael.

      Pieter recevied from Greg parts to assemble the 2nd engineering model.


      • Aitor presentation:

      the glue has a minor impact. but what is the contact surface?is the full ring? contact resistance 1/10 on the thermal conductivity.