FCC-ee tuning meeting

FCC-ee tuning meeting
Zoom Meeting ID
Rogelio Tomas Garcia
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Magnet gaps, Carl & Jeremie

An incompatibility has been found between the Vaccum flange and the dipole gap. A solution should be found maybe by increasing the dipole aperture.

The busbars could go underneath or beam separation could be increased. The latter could have lowest D-D separation and simplest solution. Magnetic distance should be about 220mm, eventhough yokes will be separated by 300mm.

For the D-Q gaps the bellow is not yet integrated so final number concerning gap dimension is not yet known.

The S-S distance in optics designs is assumed to be 100mm, but most likely it should be 160mm (assuming no vacuum flanges, single vacuum chamber).

For S-Q it would be 242mm without considering vacuum.

Need to get information from vacuum to finalize estimates of gaps.


Impact of magnet gaps on optics, Leon

Split dipoles with largest length about 10-11m. Assumed gap is 300mm between dipoles (but can be lower from previous talk). This does not affect layout or optics significantly.

3% increase in power and on horizontal emittance. Bunch length increase by 4%.

These gaps should be included in optics designs but further checks with vacuum are important.


BPM , Manfred

Coils stick out of quad yoke by ~150mm, so BPMs get a box of about 150x150x150mm for a design that would not need extra real-state space. Design from BI side, nevertheless, has not started (PhD to start in 2023 with Oxford, to cover all design aspects). Flanges and bellows might be an issue that needs to be checked. An option could be to have bellow between dipole and quad and BPM between quad and sextupole, to be checked.

It will be important to monitor future changes of quads or vacuum designs. 

Important point came up that the orbit corrector design is not decided. It could be in the sextupoles or could be separate magnet. At the moment the sextupole design does not include it and it is a challenging design. We should study both options optics-wise.


Booster optics options, Barbara

60 degrees and 90 degrees optics are needed in the booster to have margin for the emittance at the various energies of the collider ring. 60 deg. has sufficient DA while 90 degrees need optimization (phase advance and sextupole families). Some preliminary space for BPMs and dipole correctors is foreseen, nevertheless it will be studied by Tatiana if the assumptions are sufficient starting next month. 





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