rMPP meeting on Floating MD1 2022 approval




You can find more information on the website of the Machine Protection Panel.

External references
Zoom Meeting ID
Zoom room for the Machine Protection Panel
Daniel Wollmann
Alternative host
Christoph Wiesner
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    • 14:00 14:05
      Introduction 5m
      Speakers: Christoph Wiesner (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN)
    • 14:05 14:35
      rMPP comments on MDs #6723 (VdM scans with Orbit Feedback), #6803 (BTF for Chromaticity Measurement), #6807 (Slow vs fast octupole scans in nominal conditions), #6863 (Amplitude Detuning Corrections from Feed-Down), #6904 (Methods for nonlinear optics measurement at small action), #MD 6924 (Preparation for MD6923: Slow beam degradation from incoherent electron cloud effects) and discussion 30m
      Speakers: Andy Butterworth (CERN), Christoph Wiesner (CERN), Daniel Wollmann (CERN), Ewen Hamish Maclean (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN), Joschua Werner Dilly (Humboldt University of Berlin (DE)), Konstantinos Paraschou (CERN), Lorenzo Giacomel (CERN), Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci (CERN), Michal Krupa (CERN), Michi Hostettler (CERN)
    • 14:35 14:50
      MD6948: RF cogging and orbit bumps in IR5 for HL-LHC BPM electronics development 15m
      Speaker: Michal Krupa (CERN)
    • 14:50 15:05
      MD6949: Validation of bunch-by-bunch diamond detectors functionalities 15m
      Speakers: Belen Maria Salvachua Ferrando (CERN), Sara Morales Vigo (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • 15:05 15:20
      MD7008: Validation of method to measure aperture margin between IR6 and TCTs with non-nominal phase advance 15m
      Speaker: Cedric Hernalsteens (CERN)
    • 15:20 15:35
      MD7443 Beam-Beam Tests 15m
      Speakers: Joanna Wanczyk (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH)), Tatiana Pieloni (EPF Lausanne)
    • 15:35 15:45
      AOBs 10m