9–13 Jul 2023
Hawaii Convention Center
US/Hawaii timezone

M1Or1B-02: [Invited] Spin chirality driven magneto - transport in Mn3Sn and Co3Sn2S2 Kagome magnets

10 Jul 2023, 10:00



Prof. Ramesh Budhani (Morgan State University)


The electrically and thermally driven magneto-transport in two-dimensional frustrated spin systems reveals several fascinating features of correlated electron physics in magnetic Weyl semimetals. Here we present our measurements of anomalous Hall resistivity and Nernst voltage in Kagome spin lattices of Mn3Sn and Co3Sn2S2 epitaxial films prepared by multi-target magnetron sputtering. While the electron transport data for Mn3Sn films reveal distinct transitions through three different spin orders on cooling from ambient temperature, a layered ferromagnetic state emerges in Co3Sn2S2 in the vicinity of 150 K. The measured large zero-field Hall conductivity and Nernst effect in these compounds are finger prints of spin chirality driven transport. The details of these results along with the measurements of anisotropic magnetoresistance in these systems will be presented at the conference.

This research has been conducted at the United States Department of Defense Center of Excellence for Advanced Electro-photonics with 2D materials – Morgan State University, under the grant #W911NF2120213 and also funded by the AFOSR through grant #FA7550-22-1-0392.


Prof. Ramesh Budhani (Morgan State University)

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