Floating MD results

Remote meeting (zoom)

Remote meeting (zoom)

Giovanni Iadarola (CERN), Jan Uythoven (CERN), Matteo Solfaroli Camillocci (CERN)
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Giovanni Iadarola
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    • 09:30 09:40
      Introduction 10m
    • 09:40 09:55
      MD#6863: Amplitude Detuning Corrections from Feed-Down 15m

      [10' presentation + 5' discussion]

      Speakers: Ewen Hamish Maclean (CERN), Joschua Werner Dilly (Humboldt University of Berlin (DE))


      • Main objectives of MD achieved
      • Not urgent to deploy these corrections in operation, but could be done at some point


    • 09:55 10:10
      MD#6944: Voltage calibration with beam 15m

      [10' presentation + 5' discussion]

      Speaker: Helga Timko (CERN)


      • Main objectives of MD achieved
      • Measured voltage calibration could be folded in the operational settings
    • 10:10 10:25
      MD#6949: Validation of bunch-by-bunch detectors functionality 15m

      [10' presentation + 5' discussion]

      Speakers: Eva Calvo (CERN), Sara Morales Vigo (University of Liverpool (GB))


      • Main objectives of MD achieved
      • Need a second session to test improvements on the firmware and other functionalities
      • Potentially very useful tool, interest from other MD users
    • 10:25 10:45
      MD#6807 & MD#6803 20m
      • MD#6807: Slow vs fast octupole scans in nominal conditions
      • MD#6803: BTF for Chromaticity Measurements

      [15' presentation + 5' discussion]

      Speaker: Lorenzo Giacomel (CERN)


      • Main objectives of MDs achieved
      • BTF studies to be continued with tests at high energy
      • Octupoles stability threshold seems lower compared to Run 2, to be investigated
    • 10:45 11:05
      MD#6843 & MD#6924 20m
      • MD#6843: Methods for non-linear optics correction at small action
      • MD#6924: Slow beam degradation from incoherent electron cloud effects - preparation

      [15' presentation + 5' discussion]

      Speakers: Ewen Hamish Maclean (CERN), Konstantinos Paraschou (CERN)


      • Focused on 3Qy resonance characterization and correction
        • Could achieve very good correction
      • Low-action studies to be finalized in a future session (few hours on one beam at injection)
        • Could be combined with other optics studies at injection that will be requested for the future
    • 11:05 11:20
      MD#6823: UPS noise and ADT 15m
      Speakers: Guido Sterbini (CERN), Sofia Kostoglou (CERN)


      • Could not observe the 8kHz cluster with low intensity at injection
      • Still changes in the spectrum could be identified when modifying the UPS configuration
      • Proposal: MD in the next block, or End-Of-Fill test
        • Risks to be assessed with rMPP
    • 11:20 11:40
      MD#7008: Validation of method to measure aperture margin between IR6 and TCTs with non-nominal phase advance 20m
      Speaker: Cedric Hernalsteens (CERN)