The ILC will bring into collision e+ and e- beams at centre-of-mass energies of
initially 200 to 500GeV. The products of the resulting interactions will be
recorded by two detectors. An important component of each of these is the
vertex detector. This is designed to measure very precisely the tracks of
charged particles close to the interaction point (IP), allowing the identification
of those which originate from decay vertices displaced from the IP. Hence,
particles containing b and c quarks and tau leptons can be efficiently detected.
To achieve the necessary precision, the vertex detector sensors must have a
resolution < 5 microns and present a minimum of material to the particles which
traverse them. The power consumption of the sensors and their associated
readout systems must thus be small, allowing gas cooling. These requirements
are fulfilled by CCDs, on which the LCFI Collaboration has concentrated its R&D
The high pair production backgrounds at the ILC require that the CCD pixel
columns be read out in parallel at 50MHz if the occupancy is to be kept below
the 1% desirable for pattern recognition. This requires a readout chip with a
channel for each column of CCD pixels. The low occupancy makes on-chip data
sparsification desirable. The CPR2 is a prototype which fulfils this requirement.
The 250 channels of the chip are on the same 20microns pitch as the CCD
columns. For test purposes, channels are divided into two types, half driven by
charge preamplifiers directly coupled to the CCD outputs, the other half by
voltage preamps connected to the CCD through source followers.
The amplified voltages are sampled and digitised at 50MHz. The 5-bit ADCs
produce a modified Gray code which reduces the effect of single bit digitisation
errors. This is fed to the cluster finding logic which computes the (6-bit) sums
the data in two vertically separated pixels in the same column. This is added to
the same sum produced by the channel to the right to produce the sum of a
2x2 group of pixels (7-bits). The result is compared with a 7-bit threshold. If the
threshold is exceeded, nine 5-bit data words are stored in the channel buffer
memory with a global, counter generated, 15 bit timestamp word (stored as
three 5-bit words). The channel also triggers storage of the equivalent data for
3 neighbouring channels. Thus, the data for a matrix of 4x9 pixels is stored
together with the associated timestamps. Since all channels perform the same
operations, all possible 2x2 clusters are stored if the associated sum exceeds
the threshold. Internal data storage is needed because the chip has only one
(5-bit) output bus, the internal memories are continuously read out to the bus
by a clock-driven multiplexer at 8 times the front end frequency.
Testing of CPR2 has confirmed its basic functionality. The next iteration (CPR2A)
will incorporate improved digital functionality, with additional internal memory,
to increase the efficiency of readout of clusters at occupancies of ~1% for an
increased period of time.