Deep Sub-Micron integrated technologies allow implementing readout chips at
low power operation, low material budget, high channel count, and last but not
least, fair radiation hardness.
A first 180nm CMOS readout chip for Silicon strips detector has been designed
and tested in 2006, and a 130nm improved version has been received and
successfully tested recently, taking benefits of the first chip experience.
The 130nm circuit comprises a low-noise charge amplifier with 20mV/MIP gain, a
pulse shaper operating between 0.5 and 2 microseconds in order to match
various detector lengths and operation conditions, a 16-deep analogue
sampler at speeds up to 20 MHz triggered by a sparsifying analogue section,
and a 12-bit parallel analogue to digital converter. This structure fits
conveniently the ILC timing where data taking occurs for one millisecond,
followed by a 200 millisecond time for digitization and readout.
The preamplifier is a folded-cascode structure where the PMOS input transistor
is biased at 70 microamperes, providing enough gain to ensure an input stage
noise less than 625 + 9e-/pF at 2 microseconds shaping time. The shaper is a
CR-RC active filter. Power dissipation is 510 microwatts for the preamplifier and
shaper that can be switched up and down in less than 1 millisecond.
The sparsifier block has been designed, setting a threshold over the analogue
sum of three adjacent channels. In this way, only channels reacting to this
selection are sampled in a circular analogue sampler clocked to store sixteen
samples of the shapers outputs, including pedestals. Therefore, digitization of
relevant data only is achieved in parallel on 12 bits after data taking using a
ramping shared ADC.
A single channel including the analogue sampler fits in a 100 x 800 square
micrometers area.
Tests results are reported for all blocks, as well.as Signal to Noise ratio when
the chip is wire-bonded to an actual Silicon strips detector and stimulated with
actual high energy particles.