Alberto Valero Biot
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
06/09/2007, 16:45
TileCal is the hadronic tile calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at LHC/CERN.
The Read-Out Driver (ROD) is the main component of the TileCal back-end
electronics. The ROD is a VME 64x 9u board with multiple programmable devices
which requires a complete set of firmware. This paper describes the firmware
and functionalities of all these programmable devices, especially the DSP...
David Cussans
(H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory)
06/09/2007, 16:45
ILC not a triggered experiment, but during detector development it may
be useful to operate in a triggered mode. A Trigger/Tagging Logic Unit
(TLU) is described which allows triggered operation, with option of
smooth transition to triggerless, data-driven mode. The TLU is being
developed as part of the EUDET programme to develop test-beam
infrastructure for ILC detector development.
Ricardo Marco
(IFIC-Instituto de Física Corpuscular, Universidad de Valenca-CSIC, Valencia, Spain)
06/09/2007, 16:45
A portable readout system for micro-strip silicon sensors has been developed.
The system uses an analogue pipelined readout chip, which was developed for
the LHC experiments. The system will be used to characterise the properties of
both non-irradiated and irradiated micro-strip sensors. Heavily irradiated
sensors will be operated at the Super LHC.
The system hardware has two main...
Jan Blaha
(Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL))
06/09/2007, 16:45
The Very-Front-End electronics processing signal from photodetectors of the CMS
electromagnetic calorimeter, have been put through extensive test program to
guarantee functionality and reliability. The final characteristics of the VFE boards
designed for the calorimeter barrel and endcaps are resented. The results, which have
been also verified during test beam at CERN, confirm the high...
Costa Filippo
(Department of Physics, University of Bologna, and I.N.F.N Bologna)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The data concentrator card CARLOSrx is a readout board developed for the ALICE ITS
Silicon Drift Detector (SDD) experiment held at CERN.
CARLOSrx is a 9Ux400 mm VME board, containing 4 FPGAs with the purpose of processing
data coming from 12 SDD detectors and sending them to a computer running the DATE
software. Twentyfour boards are installed for SDD. We have implemented and tested a
Alessandro Gabrielli
(INFN & Physic Department of Bologna University Viale Berti Pichat 6/2 40127 Bologna Italy)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The device described in the paper is built up of a bidimensional matrix of MAPS,
already designed and fabricated in the past by the SLIM5 Collaboration, and of an
off-pixel digital readout sparsification. The readout logic is based on std-cells and
implements an optimised token-like technique. It is aimed at overcoming the readout
speed limit of future large-matrix pixel detectors for...
Fukun Tang
(Enrico Fermi Institute - University of Chicago)
06/09/2007, 16:45
We have proposed using 2" by 2" micro-channel plates (MCP-PMTs) with a
novel equal-time anode and with capacitive return path coupling to measure
the time-of-flight of relativistic particles, with the goal of being
able to construct large-area TOF detectors with a resolution of 1
The proposed front-end customer chip is a time stretcher with 1ps resolution,
building with IBM...
(Laboratoire de l Accélérateur Linéaire)
06/09/2007, 16:45
SPIROC (SiPM Integrated Read Out Chip) is the Very Front End ASIC that reads ILC
hadronic calorimeter SiPM. It integrates a very complex digital part which performs
many functions and manages Acquisition, A/D Conversion and data Read-out.
The Acquisition module manages Switched Capacitor Array in which charge and time are
stored. This is done by an asynchronous module to meet time...
Mikhail Matveev
(Rice University)
06/09/2007, 16:45
This paper presents the implementation of the Timing, Trigger and Control (TTC)
signal distribution tree in the Cathode Strip Chamber (CSC) sub-detector of the
CMS Experiment at CERN. The key electronic component, the Clock and Control
Board (CCB) is described in detail, as well as the transmission of TTC signals
from the top of the CSC system down to the front-end boards.
Rafael Nobrega
(INFN Sez. Roma)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The LHCb Muon Detector System will be equipped with about 1400 high efficiency chambers (Multi-Wire Proportional Chambers and Triple-GEM detectors) which will host a total of 7500 front-end boards, each receiving 16 readout channels and having 93 registers for access. A distributed PC network runs the supervision program and allows download of start-up settings and procedures, and upload of...
Takashi Kubota
(ICEPP, University of the Tokyo)
06/09/2007, 16:45
For the detector commissioning planned in 2007, a sector assembly of the ATLAS
muon-endcap chamber and final test at the surface for the assembled electronics are
progressed in CERN intensively. For the test, we built up the DAQ system using test
pulse of two types and cosmic ray pulse. So far, 60% of all 320,000 channels have
been already tested and most of them were installed into the...
Wieslaw Iwanski
(CERN, CH-1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland, INP PAN, Cracow, Poland)
06/09/2007, 16:45
Readout of the front-end electronics of the Absolute Luminosity Monitor is
controlled by programmable devices. AlfaR is a local readout controller which
reads digitized data with LHC clock and keeps them until validation of the first
level trigger. Once validated, data are moved via serial bus to further part of
the readout chain supervised by AlfaM chip. This global readout controller...
Jan Troska
06/09/2007, 16:45
The Timing, Trigger and Control (TTC) distribution system must ensure high-quality
clocking of the CMS experiment to allow the physics potential of the LHC machine to
be fully exploited. This key system provides the synchronization tools – bunch
clock, first level Triggers and fast commands – that enable all sub-detector systems
to take data for the same LHC collision. The challenges of...
Enrico Pozzati
(Università di Pavia)
06/09/2007, 16:45
In this work deep N-well CMOS monolithic active pixel sensors
(DNW-MAPS) are presented as an alternative approach to signal processing
in high energy physics experiments. Based on different resolution constraints,
some prototype MAPS, suitable for applications requiring different detector
pitch, have been developed and fabricated in 90 nm and 130 nm triple well
CMOS technologies....
Andrei Dorokhov
06/09/2007, 16:45
High precision particle tracking and imaging applications require
position sensitive detectors with high granularity, good radiation
tolerance, low material budget, fast read-out and low power dissipation.
Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) fabricated in a standard
microelectronic technology provide an attractive solution for these
demanding applications. The signal-to-noise...
Alessandro Gabrielli
(INFN Sezione di Bologna and Bologna University- Physics Department)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The up-to-date pixel detectors applied to HEP in LHC experiments implement 2D
matrixes of sensitive elements that are basically readout via token-based techniques,
according to external trigger signals. As the readout time is one of the drawbacks of
large matrix devices, because it implies long detector dead times, here it is
described a novel readout architecture of pixel devices, which...
Filippo Maria Giorgi
(INFN Bologna & Università degli studi di Bologna)
06/09/2007, 16:45
Development, realization and test of an electronic data acquisition-board for the
NEMO (NEutrino Mediterranean Observatory) collaboration are described in this work.
The collaboration is involved in R&D for the construction of a deep underwater km^3
scale Cherenkov neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean sea. Thousands of optical
modules are equipped with a photo multiplier tube and an...
Petr Masek
(FEE CVUT Prague, Czech Republic)
06/09/2007, 16:45
A novel read-out (R/O) device based on universal series bus (USB1.0) for spectroscopy data acquisition (DAQ) together with software controlling analog-to-digital converters (type of Canberra, model 8715) will be presented. The interface exploiting the USB1.0 standard has two advantages: USB1.0 is spread out on all platforms and almost computers are equipped with this communication port; and,...
Géza Székely
(MTA Atomki, Hungary)
06/09/2007, 16:45
In the last year – as part of the CMS test called Magnet Test and Cosmic Challenge
(MTCC) - about 25% of the full CMS Barrel Muon Alignment System was built and
operated. The configuration enabled us to test all the elements of the system and its
function under real conditions. In the paper the setup –including the read-out and
control- is described and the first preliminary results are...
Julien Fleury
(LAL - Orsay)
06/09/2007, 16:45
This abstract describes the new front end ASIC designed for the silicon
tungsten electromagnetic calorimeter called SKIROC.
This new chip embeds the main features required for the ILC final detector.
Dominik Fehlker
(University of Bergen)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is one of the sub-detectors of the ALICE detector
that is currently being commissioned as a part of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at
CERN. The Detector Control System (DCS) is used for control and monitoring of the
system. For the TPC Front End Electronics (FEE) the control node is a Readout Control
Unit (RCU) that communicates to higher layers via...
Ludovic Raux
(LAL Orsay)
06/09/2007, 16:45
SPIROC is a dedicated very front-end electronics for an ILC prototype hadronic
calorimeter with SiPM readout. It has been realized in 0.35m SiGe technology. It
has been developed to match the requirements of large dynamic range, low
noise, low consumption, high precision and large number of readout channels
SPIROC is an auto-triggered, bi-gain, 36-channel ASIC which allows...
Jose Torres Pais
(Universidad de Valencia)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The Optical Multiplexer Board is one of the elements present in the Read Out
chain of the Tile Calorimeter in ATLAS experiment. Due to radiation effects, two
optical fibers with the same data are sent from the Front End Boards to this
board, which has to decide in real time which one carries good data and pass
them to Read Out Driver motherboard for processing.
The paper describes the...
Stefan Haas
06/09/2007, 16:45
The Muon to Central Trigger Processor Interface (MUCTPI) is part of the ATLAS Level-1 trigger system and connects the output of muon trigger system to the Central Trigger Processor (CTP). At every bunch crossing, the MUCTPI receives information on muon candidates from each of the 208 muon trigger sectors and calculates the total multiplicity for each of six pT thresholds. This multiplicity...
Manfred Pernicka
(HEPHY Vienna)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The innermost detector of the CMS Experiment consists of 60 million silicon pixels. The hit data has to be read out and must be digitized, synchronized, formatted and transferred over the S-Link to the final CMS DAQ. The amount of data can only be handled because the readout chip (ROC) delivers zero-suppressed data above an adjustable threshold for every pixel.
The Pixel FED 9U VME module...
Giuliano Parrini
(Dipartimento di Fisica)
06/09/2007, 16:45
The cluster width of a particle crossing a silicon strip (mini strip) detector can be exploited to measure its transverse momentum when the strips are parallel to the B field. This suggests the discrimination of the clusters widths to filter the majority of low momentum particles.
Once performed directly on the detectors, such discrimination can be used both for low level trigger (L-1,L-2)...