12:10 PM
Experiment CDF at FNAL
S. Tokár
(Comenius University, Bratislava)
(Conference hall)
12:35 PM
--- Lunch ---
1:40 PM
Neutrino physics
F. Šimkovic
(Comenius University, Bratislava)
(Conference hall)
2:00 PM
Nuclear physics - ISOLDE, GSI, FAIR, JINR
M. Veselský
(Institute of Physics, Bratislava)
(Conference hall)
2:30 PM
GRID computing and analysis of LHC data on SKAF cluster
P. Stríženec
(Inst. of Exp. Physics, Košice)
(Conference hall)
3:00 PM
--- Coffee break ---
3:20 PM
XFEL activities
K. Saksl
(Inst. of Material Research, Košice)
(Conference hall)
3:45 PM
Slovak industry at CERN
Š. Molokáč
(CRYO-SOFT, Košice)
L. Vargovčík
(ZTS VVÚ Košice)
(Conference hall)
4:10 PM
Outreach activities
I. Melo
(University of Žilina)
(Conference hall)
4:30 PM
Student's point of view
P. Kaliňák
(Inst. of Exp. Physics, Košice)
(Conference hall)
4:45 PM
--- End of open session ---
5:50 PM
First RECFA feedback to the Slovak HEP Community
(Conference hall)
6:10 PM
--- Short sight-seeing of the Košice city centre ---
7:30 PM
--- Dinner hosted by the Faculty of Science and Institute of Experimental Physics ---