Mar 26 – 31, 2023
UZ Obergurgl
Europe/Zurich timezone

Continuing the yearly tradition since 2016 and restarting after COVID, we will meet in the Austrian Alps to an "ALpine Particle physics Symposium" (ALPS)  to discuss recent results and developments in experimental and theoretical particle physics. This meeting will have a focus on anomalous experimental and observational results in particle physics and related fields.

The dates of the meeting are March 26 - 31, 2023 and the following topics are at the focus of the meeting:

  • Quark Flavour Anomalies (B anomalies, CKM Unitarity)
  • g-2, leptons, EW fit
  • Direct searches at LHC
  • Neutrinos, Dark Matter and cosmology

The days will feature invited keynote talks as well as shorter presentations  and a Young Scientist Forum. The meeting will take place at the Obergurgl University Centre, in the ski-resort town of Obergurgl, located in the upper Oetztal Valley in Tyrol, Austria.

Confirmed speakers (senior and junior):


Prafulla Behera 
Kim Berghaus  
Jorge Camalich  
Bernat Capdevilla 
Xiaoyong Chu 
Eung Jin Chun  
Pilar Coloma  
Patrizia De Simone
Giulio Dujany  
Gernot Eichmann  
John Ellis  
Nina Elmer  
Lisa Fantini
Anna Ferrari
Martina Ferrillo
Javier Fuentes-Martin
Zuzana Gruberova  
Diego Guadagnoli  
Shubham Gupta
Theo Heimel  
Martin Hoferichter  
Alejandro Ibarra
Syuhei Iguro  
Alberto Lusiani
Chaoyi Lyu
Eleanor Jones
Henrik Junkerkalefeld  
Felix Kahlhöfer  
Haruki Kindo  
Greg Landsberg  
Maciej Lewicki
Simone Quitadamo
Elizabeth Sarah Long  
Nadia Maslova  
Quim Matias  
Bruce Mellado  
Lachlan Milligan  
Tanmoy Modak  
Stefano Moneta  
Enrico Nardi  
Vivian Poulin  
Simone Quitadamo  
Navid Rad   
Josh Ruderman  
Luka Santelj 
Bisnupriya Sahu
Pedro Schwaller
Thomas Schwetz   
Dominik Stockinger  
Andreas Trautner
Tomer Volansky
Felix Wagner


Local Organizers (HEPHY):

  • Gianluca Inguglia (chair)
  • Mokina Valentyna
  • Abdul Basith Kaliyar
  • Brigitte De Monte (secretary)

Local Organizers (PSI Villingen):

  • Andreas Crivellin (co-chair)

Local Organizers (University of Graz):

  • Reinhard Alkofer

Local Organizers (University of Vienna & HEPHY):

  • Josef Pradler (co-chair)
UZ Obergurgl
University Center Obergurgl Gaisbergweg 5 6456 Obergurgl Austria