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ALPS2023 -- Anomalies in Particle Physics

from Sunday 26 March 2023 (06:30) to Friday 31 March 2023 (12:00)
UZ Obergurgl

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
26 Mar 2023
27 Mar 2023
28 Mar 2023
29 Mar 2023
30 Mar 2023
31 Mar 2023
Keynotes (until 10:00) ()
08:30 Status of flavour anomalies from LHCb (20+10) - Patrizia De Simone (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT)) Patrizia De Simone (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))   ()
09:00 LFU and semileptonic B decays at Belle (20+10) - Luka Santelj (Jozef Stefan Institute)   ()
09:30 b->sll transitions (20+10) - Bernat Capdevila (IFAE)   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
Keynotes (until 12:00) ()
10:30 Recent semileptonic results from Belle II (20+10) - Chaoyi Lyu   ()
11:00 Latest flavour physics results from CMS/ATLAS (20+10) - Prof. Prafulla Behera (Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IN))   ()
11:30 New Physics in b->sll and b->ctaunu (20+10) - Syuhei Iguro (Nagoya University)   ()
Keynotes (until 10:30) ()
08:30 Status and prospects of the Muon g-2 experiment at FNAL (20+10) - Alberto Lusiani (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN, sezione di Pisa)   ()
09:00 g-2 and new physics (30+15) - Dominik Stockinger (IPPP Durham)   ()
09:45 The Cabibbo angle anomaly and EW fits (30+15) - Martin Hoferichter   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
Keynotes (until 10:00) ()
08:30 Overview and LHC searches for New Physics (30+15) - Greg Landsberg (Brown University (US))   ()
09:15 Overview of LHC anomalies (30+15) - Bruce Mellado Garcia (University of Wisconsin)   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
Young Scientist Forum (until 11:00) ()
10:30 Overview of ATLAS forward proton detectors: status, performance and new physics results (10+5) - Maciej Piotr Lewicki (Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))   ()
10:45 Search for heavy Higgs bosons in top-antitop final states at ATLAS (10+5) - Eleanor Jones (University of Warwick (GB))   ()
Keynotes - Javier Fuentes-Martin (Universidad de Granada) (until 11:30) ()
11:00 Automatized One-Loop Matching of BSM Models - Javier Fuentes-Martin (Universidad de Granada)   ()
Keynotes (until 10:00) ()
08:30 Towards Constraining Dark Sectors with 21-cm Cosmology (20+10) - Tomer Volansky (Tel Aviv University (IL))   ()
09:00 Anomalies in short-baseline neutrino experiments (20+10) - Dr Pilar Coloma (Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC)   ()
09:30 Tensions between terrestrial and cosmological neutrino mass determinations (20+10) - Thomas Schwetz   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
Keynotes (until 12:00) ()
10:30 21cm and the radio background excess (20+10) - Joshua Ruderman (Princeton University) Joshua Thomas Ruderman (NYU)   ()
11:00 New constraints on the dark matter-neutrino and the dark matter-photon scattering cross-sections (20+10) - Alejandro Ibarra   ()
11:30 Small-scale tensions and self-interacting dark matter - Felix Kahlhoefer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)   ()
Keynotes (until 09:30) ()
08:30 Ultralight dark matter generated by thermal fermions - Eung Jin Chun   ()
09:00 Nanograv anomaly - Pedro Klaus Schwaller (Mainz University)   ()
Closing session (until 10:30) ()
09:30 The future of particle physics - Prof. John Ellis   ()
10:30 --- Break ---
18:30 --- Dinner ---
Opening session (until 21:15) ()
20:00 Welcome from the organisers - Reinhard Alkofer (University of Graz) Gianluca Inguglia (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
20:15 Anomalies in cosmology (45+15) - Dr Vivian Poulin (LUPM, CNRS & U. de Montpellier, France)   ()
21:15 --- Reception ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Young Scientist Forum (until 17:15) ()
16:00 Rare B decays from Belle (10+5) - Nadiia Maslova (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
16:15 Results from LHCb on LFU tests in b->clnu transitions (10+5) - Martina Ferrillo (University of Zurich (CH))   ()
16:30 Lepton number and LFV searches in B decays at LHCb (10+5) - Lisa Fantini (Universita e INFN, Perugia (IT))   ()
16:45 Two Invertible Networks for the Matrix Element Method (10+5) - Theo Heimel (Heidelberg University)   ()
17:00 To Profile or To Marginalize - A SMEFT case study (10+5) - Nina Elmer   ()
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 17:45) ()
17:15 Recent Belle II results related to flavor anomalies (20+10) - Stefano Moneta   ()
17:45 --- Break ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 19:15) ()
18:15 Anomalies in hadronic B decays (20+10) - Quim Matias   ()
18:45 Latest results and precision measurement from the NA62 experiment (20+10) - Silvia Martellotti (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   ()
Keynotes (until 20:00) ()
19:15 tau physics at Belle II (20+10) - Navid Khandan Rad   ()
20:00 --- Dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 17:15) ()
16:45 Latest results from CUORE (20+10) - Simone Quitadamo (GSSI (Gran Sasso Science Institute))   ()
17:15 --- Break ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 18:15) ()
17:45 The search for Charged Lepton Flavour Violation with the Mu2e experiment (20+10) - Dr Anna Ferrari (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)   ()
Keynotes (until 18:45) ()
18:15 QCD contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment (20+10) - Gernot Eichmann   ()
Young Scientist Forum (until 19:00) ()
18:45 The CUPID double beta decay experiment (10+5) - Antoine Armatol (CEA IRFU/DPhP) The CUPID Collaboration   ()
19:00 --- Conference Dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 17:45) ()
16:45 The X17 - Enrico Nardi (INFN e Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))   ()
17:15 Study of the X17 anomaly with the PADME experiment (20+10) - Marco Mancini   ()
17:45 --- Break ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 19:35) ()
18:15 Latest dark sector results from e+ e- colliders (20+10) - Haruki Kindo   ()
18:45 Supernova constraints on dark flavored sectors (20+10) - Jorge Martin Camalich (Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (ES))   ()
19:15 Probing extended Starobinsky inflation with CMB and 21cm intensity mapping (15+5) - Tanmoy Modak   ()
Young Scientist Forum (until 20:05) ()
19:35 Higgs physics at a future Muon Collider (10+5) - Angela Zaza (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))   ()
19:50 Searches for low scale resonances decaying to WW (10+5) - Guglielmo Coloretti (University of Zurich (UZH) / Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI))   ()
20:05 --- Dinner ---
12:00 --- Lunch ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 17:50) ()
16:45 The Cosmology of Dark Energy Radiation (20+10) - Kim Berghaus (Stony Brook University)   ()
17:15 GRB221009A high energy gamma ray excess and new physics explanations - Andreas Trautner   ()
17:45 Important remarks - Gianluca Inguglia (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))   ()
17:45 --- Break ---
Keynotes/Contributed Talks (until 18:45) ()
18:15 MeV dark matter in the interplay of visible and neutrino sectors - Xiaoyong Chu (Institute of High Energy Physics (Vienna, Austria))   ()
Young Scientist Forum (until 19:30) ()
18:45 The SABRE South Experiment at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (10+5) - Lachlan Milligan Irene Bolognino (The University of Adelaide)   ()
19:00 Latest results from CRESST (10+5) - Shubham Gupta (CRESST)   ()
19:15 Latest news from COSINUS (10+5) - Felix Wagner (HEPHY Vienna)   ()
Keynotes (until 20:00) ()
19:30 Bd,s → μ+ μ– γ phenomenology overview - Diego Guadagnoli Diego Guadagnoli (LAPTh Annecy) Diego Guadagnoli (Universite Paris XI) Diego Guadagnoli (Technical University Munich)   ()
20:00 --- Dinner ---