Jan Sammet
(RWTH Aachen University)
28/09/2011, 14:50
Around 2016, the pixel detector of the CMS experiment will be upgraded. The amount of current that has to be provided to the front-end electronics is expected to increase by a factor of two. Since the space available for cables is limited, this would imply unacceptable power losses in the available supply cables. Therefore it is foreseen to place DC-DC converters close to the front-end...
Sergei Lusin
28/09/2011, 15:15
The electronic systems of modern high-energy physics detectors are often built with electromagnetic compatibilty issues as an important part of the requirements driving the design of the detector. The CMS experiment at CERN has an appreciable amount of electronic infrastructure not usually found in previous generations of high-energy physics detectors.
Over more than a year of CMS...
Wieslaw Iwanski
28/09/2011, 15:40
The Atlas infrastructure, including also power distribution, has been built from scratch for the purpose of the LHC experiment. This provided more freedom and helped to deploy modern solutions. It this document will be presented examples of different approaches to implement electrical distribution. Ways to achieve the expected level of control will be demonstrated, statistics presenting usage...